$2.00 PER YEAR 5c PER COPY ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, JlT THE POSTOPFICE _AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS. MARCH 3, 1879_ THE TSM MILT BULLETIN The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper, Seth M. Vining, Editor. TRYON, N. C., FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1942 Vol. 15. Est. 1-31-28 Four Legged Chicken Visits Bulletin Office One of the most unusual freaks of nature ever seen in Tryon j^the four-legged chicken brought ^Lhe Bulletin office this morning l^Mrs. W. E. McDade of Tryon Route One. The chicken is six weeks old and swings his two fully developed unusued legs be tween the two legs he walks on. As the unused legs are as large as the good legs they get in the way sometimes and trip the chicken. Then again when he is tired of standing on one leg he rests a foot on one of the swing ing feet. Dudley C. Smith, prom inent Tryon poultryman, says it is the first time he has ever seen a four-legged chicken. Mrs. Mc Dade says the chicken was hatch ed from a double yolk egg which she put in the setting just to see what would happen. Charles J. Lynch says he had seen such freaks; smaller, pickled in alcohol, hiLt had never seen one alive. Mrs. )ade has already been offered Ffor the chicken. Mr. Smith is interested in knowing what happens in the end to the unused legs. Will they dry up? Or is nature making more drum sticks for the victory food? Increasing production 1 Secretary of State Cordell Hull Thursday night gav§ an outline of the aims and policies of the 28 United Nations whose imme diate object is to win the war, then set up an international agency to keep peace by force if necessary, and work out a plan to give all peoples and all nations an oppor tunity to get an equal share of the world’s blessings. SO AND SEW! The Red Cross work room are happy to report that June was their record month. 73 women volunteered their time and energy to make this possible, and 2,350 hours of work resulted in 92 knit garments, and 121 sewed garments completed. The report for July cannot come up to last month’s high standard unless more workers report to the work rooms. We do not want our quota to lag now when the need is so vital. There are both mach ine sewing and hand sewing avail able, and if you can’t work at the parish house, knotting can be done at home.— (Contributed). COMMUNICATIONS Copacabana Palace, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. July 15, 1942. Dear Mr. Vining: You will no doubt be surprised to see this new postmark! My mother and I flew here from Por tugal the end of April. The U. S. authorities in Lisbon and the PAA both seemed relieved to get rid of two women who wanted to stay at the entrance gate to a troubled Europe. • The trip down by Clipper was exciting but tiring, as we had to sit up at night. But although we were all a bit weary we kept up a steady stream of conversation with one another during the two days. The following morning we saw Africa-flat, uninhabited, red-soil ed, patched with a few dirt roads, green brush and palms. I had by then made acquaintance with an RAF chap who was bound for New — Continued on Page Four..