5c PEIT COPY $2.00 PER YEAR ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS* MARCH 3, 1879'"' THE TRW ft MILT Hi Him The World's Smallest Daily Newspaper, Seth M. Vining, Editor. Vol. 15. Est. 1-31-28 TRYON, N. C.. WED., JULY 29, 1942 W. C. Ward Appointed On Federal Board W. C. Ward, who served as a member of the Industry Advisory committee under the Office of Pro duction Management, has been re ointed to this committee under r War Production Board, He ...11 leave today for Washington to meet with the other members to discuss production of combed and mercerized cctton yarn and other matters pertaining to mili tary needs. CHARLES MORROW Landrum, July 28. — Charles Morrow, the seven-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Morrow of Landrum, died this afternoon at the Saluda hospital. Besides his parents, the child is survived by his paternal grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Deck Mor row, and maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Raines. The funeral will be conducted Thursday at 11 a. m., at the resi dence, with Dr. E. E. Bomar of ■t T3\ating. Burial will be in the Oak ^P6ve Baptist church cemetery in upper Greenville county. Buchanan Buys Normandie L. F. Buchanan, Tryon mer chant, has bought the Normandie house from the Norman estate. The Normandie is located on Whitney avenue opposite the Buchanan residence. Weather Tuesday Weather Tuesday: High 90; low 68, rain .20. Extra copies of the Bulletin on sale at the office 5c each. Senator Bacon, Mrs. Jones Head Salvage Campaign County Salvage Chairman B. G. Henry, has announced the ap pointment of Senator F. P. Bacon as county chairman of the scrap metal campaign to be conducted by the Federal Government. Mrs. Arthur Laidler Jones has been ap pointed county chairman to salvage cooking fats. Community commit, tees will be appointed by these chairmen in a few days, and-wiH be announced in the Bulletin and News. SOFTBALL NEWS The Bushwhackers and Adams Millis will play today. Soumerco defeated Tgyon Players Tuesday 15 to 5. The Soumerco-Adams-Mil lis score on Monday is in doubt. Manager Culler of the Adams Millis says the game ended 8-8. It was reported to the Bulletin as a 9-8 victory for Soumerco. Bulwinkle, Speaker Pro-Tem. Major A. L. Bulwinkle, who will be Polk County’s congressman this fall, has been elected speaker pro tempore of the house during the absence of Speaker Sam Rayburn who leaves for a vacation in Texas. SCISM—WALDROP Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Waldrop ! of Tryon Route One, announces the marriage of their daughter, Lucile Waldrop, to Mr. John Seism, son, of Mr. and Mrs. Vic tor Seism of Tryon. The wedding took place in Spartanburg, St C., on Saturday, July 18th.