5c PER COPY $2.00 PER YEAR ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRES3> MARCH 3, 1879 the mm daily smew The World’8 Smallest Daily Newspaper, Seth M. Vining, Editor. Vol. 15. Est. 1-31-28 TRYON, N. C„ THURSDAY, AUG. 6, 1942 Dental Clinics Being Held In Polk County Dr. B. E. Washburn, district f^bealth officer, reports that Dr. Jp&eorge W. Smith of the division of Oral Hygiene, State Board of Health, Raleigh, will begin an eight week’s dental program in the white schools of the county this week. In these dental clinics examination and treatment will be offered to school children who cannot afford the services of a local dentist. The dental program as carried out by Dr. Smith will not only involve cleaning teeth, extractions and fillings, but an extensive educational program is conducted in conjunction with the necessary corrective work. Class room lectures are given in simple terms, the pupils being required to use mimeographed material and pamphlets which teach tooth and mouth hygiene. Talks on nutri tion with accompanying drawings written suggestions for class m- work teach the importance milk, good tood, and healthful habits in order to have sound teeth. Toothbrushes are sold at a fee which makes them available to any school child, and in many cases, the first toothbrushes own ed by the children are sold by the school (&ntist. It has been observed, through the school dental program, that many grade repeaters have pro gressed from one grade to another with corrected dental defects. It is possible for bad teeth to cause physical conditions which may re tard the progness of school chil dren and create a direct person ality influence through sapping _I..Continued on Back Pace.. Ijjkn 'of r CURB REPORTER Blackout Mere kit Monday! The first TOTAL BLACKOUT for Tryon and other communities in the Asheville District will be between 9:50 and 10:20, for half an hour Monday night, Aug 10. Every light in homes and autos must be out. Only trains, inter state buses and defense projects will be allowed to have lights. Civilian Defense Chm. C. J. Lynch states that Air Raid Warden W. W. Creasman will be in full charge and deputies will patrol districts. VOLUNTEER Wardens are needed, including Negro men. They are asked to meet tonight at 8 o’clock at Missildine’s Hall for placement and instructions. Tryon Town Council are meet ing today noon to pass an ordinance [ making it a misdemeanor for any one to have lights burning during the 30 minute period. Saluda, and Columbus authorities are being asked to make similar laws. This is an opportunity for every home in the county to show their will ingness to cooperate in any way to help win the war. Airplanes have been flying over this section recently more than ever. We would hate for army planes to be flying over our county during a blackout period to take pictures and have them discover that cer tain homes in the county were not cooperating. [ —. Continued on Back Page_