5c PER COPY $2.00 PER YEAR ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS> MARCH 3, 1879 THE TBM EMIT BULLETIN The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper, Seth M. Vining, Editor. Vol. 15. Est. 1-31-28 TRYON, N. C., FRIDAY, AUG. 7, 1942 ^Fi3 RED CROSS NEWS Emil Lewis from National head quarters will teach senior life> saving and water safety instruc course in Hendersonville on gust 10th to August 21st from :30 to 12:30 (Mondays and Fri days). Requirements: Minimum age 19 years; outstanding swimmer and possesses reasonable satisfactory teaching ability. The one require, ment we want to stress is that every individual whe will register will be planning definitely towards the conducting of classes. Any one wishing to register, get in touch with Mrs. George A. Cathey at once, Phone 438. BLACK-SMITH A Washington (D. C.) news paper reports the announcement of the engagement of Miss Doris Winnifred Black to Mr. William Francis Smith, son of Mrs. Wil «i Frank Smith and the late Smith of Washington and on, N. C. Miss Black is a daughter ..of Mrs. Frank Keely. She attended George Washington- university and Georgia State college for Women at Milledgeville. Mr. Smith is a graduate of The Western high school and the National Univer sity School of Law. The wedding will take place in October. SOFTBALL NEWS Tryon Players and Bushwhack ers will play softball this evening at 6:30. Soumerco defeated Ad ams-Millis Thursday. Extra copies of the Bulletin on sale at the office 5c each. Air Wardens Organized Over 50 men, white and colored, attended the Air Raid Warden’s meeting1 over Missildine’s Thursday night. Civilian Defense Chairman C. J. Lynch, presided, and explain ed the purpose of the meeting and civilian defense in general, which is necessary in winning the war. Attorney M. R. McCown read the Town ordinance which is published elsewhere in this issue, making it a misdemeanor for anyone to leave lights burning during black out periods, or to drive an auto mobile with lights, or have any light showing at all during black out periods. Air Raid Warden Chief W. W. Creasman explained the duties of the wardens, and. af ter studying the locations of the various streets and volunteers available he will make assign ments and instructions at the next meeting to be held Monday night at 8 o’clock, just one hour and fifty minutes before the BLACK OUT. A practice siren was given last night at 9 o’clock. There will be one each night at the same time until 9:50 Monday night in order to get the public acquainted with it. (Listen for the siren to night at 9. You may practice your self by turning your lights out for a minute.) The Air Raid Wardens were sworn in by Mayor E. E. Missildine who emphasized the importance of each man doing his duty for his country. To make the BLACKOUT a success is an important step in showing our loyalty and spirit of cooperation. Brotherhood Meets Tonight The Baptist Brotherhood will meet tonight at 7 o’clock at Lake Lanier Tea House.