5c PER COPY $2.00 PER YEAR ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICB AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS* MARCH 3, 1879 THE TRM HAM BIMEm The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper, Seth M. Vining, Editor. Vol. 15. Est. 1-31-28 TRYON, N. C., rUESDAY, AUG, 18, 1942 TRYON DIST. SCHOOLS TO OPEN SEPTEMBER 1ST The Tryon and Lynn schools will open for the 1942-43 session Tues day morning, September 1st, at 9 o’clock. All pupils will report to their respective class rooms and attend the opennig exercises '!^Rie school auditorium. The pub lic is cordially invited to attend these exercises. All pupils entering the Tryon school for the first time with the exception of “first grade” pupils are asked to register on Monday morning, August 31st, at the superintendent’s office, between the hours of 9 a. m. to 12 m. This is necessary for the pupils to be properly classified and assigned to grades where they are to begin work. All pupils will be tested the third week of school for re classification. First grade pupils are required by state law to be schick tested for diphtheria and urged also to take the smallpox vaccination. Both can be given by the family physician or the county healti llth clinic. fcachers for the 1942-43 session: [arcus B. Caldwell, superin tendent; Edwin L. Beach, high school principal, teacher of mathe matics, physical education and music; Myrtle Baldwin, teacher of languages and social science; Anne Sevier, English and journa lism; Martha Mason, home eco nomics and science; Mrs. Walter j Jones, music; B. I. Lands, director of school band; Ada M. Viele, commerce and mathematics; El mina Wages, seventh grade; Mary E. Gamble, sixth grade; Estelle Pace, fifth grade; Thelma Mills, _Continued on Page Four_ RITES CONDUCTED FOR C. E. SANDERS, 72 Funeral ' services for Cotes worth Eugene Sanders, 72, former Spartanburg and Charleston news paperman, who died Monday morn, ing in Patton Memorial hospital, Hendersonville, were conducted in the J. F. Floyd mortuary chapel at 11 o’clock this morning. Dr. William Elliott and Dr. David Earnhardt of Saluda, N. C., and the Rev. M. B. Patrick of Spartanburg officiated. Inter ment in Oak wood cemetery. Active pallbearers were Frank Rogers, Roy France, Austin Reeves, Homer King, Raymond Patterson and Fred Walters. Honorary panoearers were ±i. E. Depass, Sr., G. Hollifield, Pierre H. Fike, Charles 0. Hearon, Dr. Coleman Waller, A. M. Chrietz berg, Charles C Kirby, Philemon Trimmier, Dr. Lionel Lawson and Robert Dargan, all of Spartan burg, and from Saluda, Dr. D. L. Smith, Sr., Dr. E. M. Sialley, Henry Corwith, H. L. Capps, K. J. Davis and Albert Salley. The oldest son of the late Cotes worth Pinckney Sanders and Clara Elizabeth Wilson Sanders of Spar tanburg, Mr. Sanders was engaged in newspaper work on The Spar tanburg Journal and The Char leston Evening Post. In recent years, he was associated with his sister, Miss Tocoa Sanders in the Operation of Copisa Orchards near Saluda, N. C. Mr. Sanders is survived by the following brothers and sisters: Miss Tocoa Sanders, Saluda), N. C.; Mrs. J. Frank Foshe, Norfolk, Va.; Mrs. L. A. Emerson, Colum Continued on Back Page