5c PER COPY $2.00 PER YEAR SINTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TBYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS> MARCH 3, 1879 THE TEM MM WUEM The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper, Seth M. Vining, Editor. Vol. 15. Est. 1-31-28 TRYON, N. C., WED., SEPT. 9, 1942 SOFTBALL FINALS BEGIN TODAY In one of the closest hard bought softball elimination con yeA;ts ever held in Tryon the Bush whackers and Soumerco will face each other .in a two-out-of-three game series for the local cham pionship today at 6:30 at Adams Millis park. In the elimination contests Try on Players were first to drop out at the hands of Bushwhackers and Soumerco, both having al ready lost thrilling games to the Adams-Millis team. But Soumer co came back to beat Adams Millis by a close score and to stay in the race for another chance at the championship. Then the Bushwhackers made a come-back Tuesday to defeat Adams-Millis in a tight well-played game by a 4 to 3 score. Now the battle is between Soumerco and Bushwhack ers for the next two or three days. _ president Tom Costa says that he eager for everyone to have a good time and enjoy the sport which has entertained so many people this summer. ENTERTAINS WITH BIRTHDAY PARTY Mr. Allan Kerr and sister, Miss Emily, entertained with a birth day dinner party in honor of Miss Trudy White of Brooklyn, N. Y., at Hotel Tryon Tuesday night. Among the guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Franks, Mr. N. L. Holmes, Miss Clara Ed wards, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pla cak and daughter, Miss Carolyn, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Costa. CURB REPORTER Weather Tuesday: high 85; low 66 ... . Loyd Panther, CWT, is now in the Naval Hospital at Portsmouth, Va., Ward 63 ... . Rev. Chas. G. Sewall, who has been spending the summer at Christ mas Cove, Maine, heads for Tryon this week hut will probably be several weeks making the trip, probably visiting his grandson’s parents in Connecticut and Others at Rye, N. Y. . . .'. If Paul Kelly, Chicago Insurance executive likes Tryon even during the rainy spell what does he think of it now with that touch of October brightness:.Another in teresting visitor to Tryon is Mat thew S. Eyler, a vice-president of the Underwood Typewriter Co. He is the father of Mrs. Meek, who has often visited Tryon and spent one season at the Mark Smith house. While representing the Underwood Typewriter Co. Mr. Eylar visited every county in this nation and the important cities of every country in the world. The Eylars have a winter home in St. Petersburg, Fla., a summer home in Scarsdale, N. Y., and a big ranch in Kansas, Mr. Eylar’s home state. They are spending the month of September in Tryon.The Bulletin has received several pamphlets k from London, England, from Mrs. Ronald Tree, niece of Mrs. Lefty -Continued on Back Page_