MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT “THE PRESCRIPTION STORE” OWEN’S PHARMACY, Phone 202. WALGREEN AGENCY Mr. and Mrs; H. S. Thatcher and daughter, Miss Ann Thatcher, and Mrs. Samuel S. Woody leave Sunday. Miss Thatcher will stop at Chapel Hill to enter the uni versity. The rest of the party will go on to New River, N. C , where they will visit Dr. and Mrs. Austin Woody. Dr. Woody is a lieutenant in the Navy. Mrs. Austin Woody will return to Tryon with them next week for a visit. Mrs. Alan Calhoun of Annis ton, Ala., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Julian Calhoun. Lieut. Cal houn has been sent to Fort Devens, Mass., to bring troops to Fort McClellan. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall W. White of Tarrytown, N. Y., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Knight at Waelhyll. Miss Eleanor Rowe will return to Philadelphia on Sunday after a visit with M,iss Ann Thatcher. John Moore, the builder, will leave Sunday for the Navy. CURB REPORTER _Continued from. Page One— Tryon Home Friendly club wants the address of Alfred Wilson, M,ill Spring soldier-some-where-in the-army.Here is a scrambled word that needs to be unscrambled and the pieces picked up and given to F. P. Bacon: “Parcs Latem.” He’ll give them to Uncle Sam who needs them now to help win the war. Major Sharp To Speak Major Bernard Sharp, chair man of the Consumers committee of the Polk County Council of Civilian Defense, will speak on Monday noon at Tryon school chapel program. On Tuesday at 1 o’clock he will speak at the Try on colored school and Tuesday night he will speak at the Tryon Second Baptist church. Public in vited to any of these meetings. Mrs. Mitchell Hart of Saluda is a patient at St. Luke’s hos pital. Mrs. Anita Stevens has return ed to Greenwich, Conn., after a visit with her mother, Mrs. Louis Stearns. Miss K. D. Hamilton has re turned to her home in Gillette Woods after spending the summer at Linville. W. C. Bates, Jr., is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bates. Ruben Cox has returned to the Army Camp at Fort Bragg after a visit with his mother here. Mrs. Mary Durham has return ed home after an operation at St. Luke’s hospital. Laurens Quartette and Cho™ will be at St. Luke’s church Sun_ day, 3:30 p. m. Sponsored by A. B. Whittmore. Rev. C. R. White, pas tor. Public invited. — Adv. 18, 19p TRYON Theatre Telephone 186 Matinee 3:30 p. m. Night 7 and 9. Saturday 12:45 p. m. Continuous. SATURDAY ONLY Don “Red” Barry in TULSA KID 0r Also Chapter 2, “King of Texas Rangers.” SUNDAY ONLY Laraine Day, Barry Nelson in A Yank on the Burma Road MONDAY and TUESDAY Barbara Stanwyck, Gary Cooper BALL OF FIRE