5c PER COPY $2.00 PER YEAR ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS. MARCH 3, 1879 the mom mm emm The World?a Smallest Daily Newspaper, Seth M. Vining, Editor, Vol. 15. Est. 1-31-28 TETON, N. C., FRIDAY, OCT. 2, 1942 MRS. ROY CUSHING News has been received in Try jjn of the death of Mrs. Roy Cush at Statesville. Her husband, Cushing, is a brother of Mrs. W. A. Nessmith, and lived in Try on for many years. MILLION DOLLAR RANK With all the money spent in the purchase of war bonds to keep Polk County over the top, Polk citizens continue to sa.ve and de posit enough cash to keep the Tryon Bank & Trust Co., in the million dollar class. Ad in to day’s Bulletin lists the assets of the bank at $1,020,367.56. Presi dent Julian B. Hester, is natural ly proud of this record and as chairman of the County War Bond campaign he is also proud of the patriotic spirit of Polk County citizens who went over their quota $18,400 by purchasing over JV.,000 worth of war bonds dur ing September. The October quota has not been announced from Washington. October Tire and Tube Quota New passenger tires, 4. Grade 2 passenger tires, 7.. Passenger tubes, 18. Recapped passenger tires, 21. New truck tires, 14. New truck tubes, 17. Recapped truck tires, 19. Dudley C. Smith, Jr., Chm., Polk County War Price and Ra tioning Board. Old or new copies of The Try on Daily Bulletin for sale at So each. .... New Bulletin subscriptions entered for Grover W. Hutcher son, 10389 Defense Trailer Camp, Wilmington, N. C., Miss Frances Jackson, Valhalla, Z. V. Earley, R-l, Penrose, N. C., Pvt. Roy Gaines, ASN 34431479 Second Plat. Co. A. 104th Bn. 22nd Med. Tr. Regt., Camp Joseph T. Rob inson, Little Rock, Arkansas (that’s the longest address we have on our mailing list, even with the abbreviations. That ASN after his name means Army Se sial Number. Bn for Battalion, Tr. for Training, etc.) .... The W. C. Wards received another let ter Wednesday from Capt. Bill Ward, Jr., in the Solomon Islands. It came through by air in ten days .... Weather Thursday: low 40,. high 80 . . . . Converse college students are helping Spar tanburg farmers pick cotton on account of farm labor shortage. At Shelby and Greer stores close and employees, owners, school children and everybody else joined in picking cotton in or der to save a bumper crop .... Duke Power Co. office in Tryon has undergone repainting and now has an attractive blue in terior .... Polk’s tire quota for October is 4. The Western Auto Co. has twice that many on display in front of their store. They have had them since last fall but can’t sell them .... The -Continued xn Back Page__