5c PER COPY $2.00 PER YEAR ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFF1CB _ AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3 1879 THE TRM IIIILUlUim The World's Smallest Daily Newspaper, Seth M. Vining, Editor. Vol. 15. Est. 1-31-28 TRYON; N. C., THURSDAY, NOV. 5, 1942 CURB REPORTER Weather Wednesday: High 60; low 29 ... . Thanks to Mrs. George J.' Droll of Wichita, Kan., for a copy of the special edition of the Wichita Sunday Eagle, pub lished in honor of the Boeing Air plane Co., on being presented the Army-Navy E flag for high achievement in war production. Mrs. Droll is a sister of Hoyt O. Prince of Landrum ... A large number of Tryon business men are going to make a special effort Friday afternoon to see the foot ball game at Harmon Field be tween Tryon and Christ school. This is the last home game on the *‘dule.Fort Bragg Army ^quarters report that Sgt. Ted enger has been promoted from Technician 5th grade to Technician fourth grade in the fighting unit of the “All-American division of transport and glider planes . . .*. Lieut. James F. Gilreath of Fort Lewis, Wash., Army Mail section writes that Sidney G. Smith’s Tryon Daily Bulletins have been forjvarded from Camp Forest, Hnn., to 129 Inf., APO 1195, San Francisco, Calif. This is publish ed to let our readers know that some Army Posts make every ef fort to keep the Bulletins follow ing the men in service. We read in the Columbus news that S!gt. Keith Arledge has been transfer red to Fort Fisher, but we have received no change in his address. -Continued on Back Page_ ROTARIANS TO HEAR INTERESTING SPEAKER Harry L. Wallace, acheologist, will be the speaker at the Rotary club on Friday at 1 o’clock at Sunnydale. He will speak about excavations in Oaxaca, Mexico, and i civilizations of the Toltecs and Aztecs. Mr. Wallace will also show specimens taken from the excavations. E. Perry Manville ! will be in charge of the program. Carroll Rogers Elected New Kiwanis President Carroll P. Rogers, former Ki wanis lieutenant governor of divi sion one and the first president of the Tryon Kiwanis club when it was organized in 1927, was chosen again Tuesday to head the Tryon club as president for 1943, and will take office on January 1. Other officers elected are Fred Swann, Jr., vice-president; C h a s. J. Lynch, treasurer; K. A. Bowen, J. N. Jackson, J. A. Wilson, Dr. Wm. McCall, C. W. Nessmith, Tom Collum and Herbert Butler, direc tors. President George A. Cathey will also be a member of the board as immediate past president when his term expires December 31st. The office of secretary now' held by Seth M. Vining will be named by the board of directors. Miss Marian Shepherd Added To Polk Welfare Office Miss Marian Shepherd of Zir conia has been added to the staff of the Polk County Welfare office as at case worker. She is making her home with Mrs. James Swain in the Cobb house in Columbus.