5c PER COPY $2.00 PER YEAR ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICB AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3 1879 the T&m um mum The World's Smallest Daily Newspaper, Seth M. Vining, Editor. Vol. 15. Est. 1-31-28 TRYON; N. C„ TUESDAY, NOV. 10, 1942 CURB REPORTER Weather Monday: High 72, low 45 ... . Miss Hassie Emory of Columbus died Monday at St. Luke’s hospital .... John Moore of the U. S. Navy is here on a brief visit. So is Dutton Beatson of the Army . . . Robert Cox has returned' to Washington ( D. C., after an airplane visit to nis mother, Mrs. J. C. C. Foster, who is ill in a hospital in Asheville. . . . . Tom Kell, Tryon contractor, collided with a train in Charlotte Saturday, wrecked his automobile and he is suffering several brok- i en ribs at Presbyterian hospital, J Charlotte. Mrs. Kell has gone to ] visit him .... Fred Lawrence here from Wilmington for a medi- | cal check-up says we misquoted I him on the launching of ships at { »ington. It takes about 40 ! to build a ship, but nine are under construction all the time. Woodrow Hague, who was presented an achievement badge by Admiral Land, has a schedule of ships launched. The Henry Bacon will be launched November 11th, Abner Nash, Nov. 15; Joseph Alston, Nov. 20. That gives an idea how fast ships are 5 being launched .... James New- ' man, 14, of Landrum, son of Mr. and Mrs. Levy Newman, is in St. Luke’s hospital for an opera tion .... Mrs. David Hedekin, Lieutenant in the WAACS, has been transferred from Des Moines, -Continued, from Page One_ 4-H ACHIEVEMENT DAY The Green Creek 4-H club held Achievement Day program Mon day at 10:40 a. m., in the audi torium of the Green Creek high school. The entire student body came in to visit with the 4-H club and to join with the club members in celebrating their ac complishments of the past year. This week is National 4-H Achievement Week and is being observed by 4-H clubs throughout the entire state and nation. In ah effort to encourage conservation of tires and gas as well as time it was decided that the Polk county club members hold their meetings in their local clubs rath er than all members coming to gether for one county meeting. Other 4-H clubs in Polk county that will hold achievement meet [ ings this week are Mill Spring, ; 10 a. m., Tuesday; Sunny View, 10 a. m., Wednesday; Columbus 10 a. m., Thursday; arid Saluda at the same hour Friday. Presiding over the program at Green Creek was Sara Flynn the club president. Sara opened the program by welcoming the entire school to the club meeting. The program consisted of group sing ing led by Mrs. Robert Alien, a talk by Miss Frances MacGregor, assistant state 4-H club leader; assistant extension service, State College, Raleigh, who saluted the Green Creek boys and girls as soldiers on the home front, con gratulated them 'on their splendid accomplishments and urged them to continue doing everything in their power to help win the war. Some of the activities suggested to the club members as their part -Continued in Back Page_.