5c PER COPY $2.00 PER YEAR ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONQRESS. MARCH 3 1879 the mm mini um The World’8 Smallest Daily Newspaper, Seth M. Vining, Editor. Vol. 15. Est. 1-31-28 TRYON, N. C. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 11, 1942 Men Sent to Army The following men were induct at an army camp this week from the Polk County Draft Board: Barnes Eston Swain, Columbus; J^fes Alexander Hipp, Saluda; ilKnys Travelyan Cary-Elwes, Sa luda; Charlie Hugh Edwards, Tryon; Tollie Marion Rhodes, S'a luda; Hurbert Price, Mill Spring; Rosie Bvinkes Thompson, Saluda; J. T. Foster, Tryon; James Cald well Kinloch (transferred to Aiken, S. C-); R“lph Livingston Monroe, Lynn; Daniel Stevenson Rion, Tryon; Clarence Thomas Cox, Tryon; Stewart Holbert (enlisted in Navy), Tryon; Thom as Jefferson Langford, Tryon; George Gordon Tate, Chesnee, S. C.; Russell Jefferson Holbert, Sa luda; James Virgal McCrane, Mill Spring; James Paul Kuykendall, Landrum, S. C.; Horace Belue, Tryon; William Thomas Cole, Landrum, S. C.; Earl Calvert, Tryon; John Earl Porter, Tryon (enlisted in Navy) ; Edward «ander Fisher, Tryon; Horace nond Raines, Columbus; Hoyt _ nas Pigg, Welford, S. C.; Ray Arledge, Inman, S. C.: Colon Henry Lyles, Rutherfordton, N. C.; Alexander Davidson Beatson, East Flat Rock, N. C.; Aullie Garland Carr, Nebo, Ky., (trans ferred) ; Louis Antnie Odell, Mill Spring; Charles Henry Foster, Mill Spring; Douglas Hague Wal ker, Mill Spring; Carl Hughes Jackson, Mill Spring; Fred A. Wilson, Melvin Hill; Volly Dean Williams, Tryon; William Otis Thompson, Tryon; Frank Jennings Lanning, Columbus; Joel Clyde Hensley, Tryon; George Saleeby, -Continued on Back Page_ Mindful And Generous! During the past six months the good people of Tryon have not been unmindful of St. Luke’s hos pital and have contributed gen erously to hospital needs. A few items have been solicited, but for the most part, the improved con dition at the hospital has come unsolicited, through the generosity of friends. - Room service has been made much more efficient because of add ed equipment. The superintendent let it be known that thermos pitch ers were greatly needed in the different rooms. Very soon there had been received from interested friends, seven used thermos pitch ers and two new ones. Also there was donated, for the ward, enam el water pitchers with trays. i One double-burner electric hot plate has been given. Another very useful gift, especially for summer weather, was the gift of two lat ticed screens to be placed in front of doors. (Space does not permit to give in detail the expressions of gratitude that came irom pa tients whe were made so much more comfortable because of this chance of increased ventilation due to these screens). Four chairs in the private rooms have been re-upholstered and the bill has been paid by good friends of the hospital. In the operating room, dua to very generous gifts there have been added to the equipment a very much needed new suction machine of the latest model, a sur gical retractor and fifty dollars worth of metal splints. For the nurses’ dining room which has recently been redeeorat -Continue4 on Page Two_