5c PER COPY $2.00 PER YEAR ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICB AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS. MARCH 3 1879_ THE THEM HAM Emm The World's Smallest Daily Newspaper, Seth M. Vining, Editor. TRYON. N. SATURDAY, NOV. 14, 1942 Vol. 15. Est. 1-31-28 CkuACfr ^BRors Wt Welcome at All Services. METHODIST: Rev. R. W. Blan- ] chard, Minister. S!unday school 10 j a. m., Dr. Wm. McCall, Supt. I Morning worship 11 a. ni.; Youth I Fellowship 6:30 p. m. Evening ! worship — Union Service with I Presbyterian church there. CONGREGATIONAL: Erskine Memorial. Rev. C. Arthur Lincoln, D. D., Minister. 11 a. m., morn- | ing worship. Sermon, “The Profit Men Have of Living.” 9:45 a. m., Sunday school, Nelson Jack sdn, Jr., Supt. Audiphones in church for those desiring hearing aids. PRESBYTERIAN: Rev. D. M. McGeachy, Minister. Tryon Sun day school 9:45 a. m., J. H. Gaze, Supt. Worship service 7:30 p. m. «;ct, “Light in the Darkness”. Melhodist congregation, our s for this service. Columbus worship service 11 a. m., subject, “Right Living for Today.” FIRST BAPTIST: Rev. B. G. Henry, Minister. Sunday school 10 a. m., J. T. Arledge, Supt. Wor ship service 11 a. m. Subject, “Quench Not the Spirit.” Choir practice on Wednesday night at 8 p. m. Business Women’s Circle meets on Thursday at the home of Mrs. Harold Taylor at 8 o’clock. The pastor goes to High Point this week to attend the Bap tist State Convention and pastor’s conference. There will be no pray er meeting. PACOLET BAPTIST: Rev. B. G. Henry, Minister. Sunday school 10 a. m., Harrison Chapman, Supt. Continued on Back Page .. CURB REPORTER Weather Friday: Low 30; high 70 . . . The Misses Craig-Wallace and L. J. Welden, who are op erating the Golden Krisp Home Bakery here, are experimenting with the growing of mushrooms here. Results will be announced later .... Dr. Will McCall will be in charge of the Kiwanis pro gram Tuesday at 1 p. m., at Oak Hall .... Young Americans whose motto is “Be Prepared” will meet Monday night at 7:30 for the Boy Scout Court of Honor at the Tryon school. Public in vited .... Harkness Smith is taking advance orders for tickets on the proposed Tryon bus sche dule. Poster concerning it is in Tryon Bank & Trust Co. . . Lynn church will be open Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock for the women of the community to do Red Cross sewing. All invited .... It is reported that Nelson Jackson, Jr., killed a deer on a hunt dur ing his visit south of North Caro lina last week .... The new draft law has been signed by President Roosevelt and boys 18 to 19 will be registered within 30 to 40 days .... Matt O’Shields, i officer candidate at Camp Lee, Va., | sends Mrs. O’Shields an interest I ing newspaper published for [ Camp Lee, and is called the Traveller, in honor of General Lee’s horse .... Colonel Calvin H. Burkhead is now a financial officer at Fort Bragg. Says he -- Covtivved on mmrk Pnrje._