5c PER COPY $2.00 PER YEAR ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS. MARCH 3 1879 THE TIIIW DAILY BELLETM The World's Smallest Daily Newspaper, Seth M. Vining, Editor. Vol. 15. Est. 1-31-28 TRYON; N. C., SATURDAY, NOV. 28, 1942 1.13 CURB REPORTER Weather Friday: Low 31, high 53 ... . New subscriptions to the Bulletin entered for Mrs. Everett Kamuchey, nee Lillian Williams, of Fisher Hill, Va., Miss Pantha Edwards, Baltimore, Md., Pvt. John T. Foster, Jr., Co. M., 6th Q. M. T. R., 4th Plat'., Camp Lee, Va., Earl Covil, Charlotte. Renewal for Mrs Otis West, Char leston, S. C. Changes in addresses for Pvt. Ralph L. Pititman, Co. L. 358th Inf., 90th Div., Camp Bark eley, Texas, Rev. J. 0. Carson, 315 Shady Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa., A|C William W. Graham, Flight Sqdn. 6 Class 43, Georgia-Aero-Tech, Bush Field. Augusta, Ga. The bulk of the mail must be ir^^ie post office by December 1 year if deliveries on time a^^to be assured, according to Smith W. Purdum, second assis tant Postmaster General .... A booklet entitled “Personal Affairs of Military Personnel and Their Dependents” is for sale at 10c by writing Supt. of Documents, Wash ington, D. C. All dependents of men in service should have one. It tells about allowances, allot ments, etc., of persons missing in action or captured; joint bank ac counts, medical attendance and hospital facilities for dependents and countless other points about the welfare of the soldier and those he left behind.The army saves over $10,000 a day in the .Continued on Back Page_ &??.*•■