5c PER COPY $2.00 PER YEAR 8NTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS> MARCH 3 1879 THE TIU W IlllUllllim The World's Smallest Daily Newspaper, Seth M. Vining, Editor. Vol. 15. Est. 1-31-28 TRYON, N. C., MONDAY, NOV. 30, 1942 CURB REPORTER Weather Saturday: High 52, low 22; Sunday high 46, low 28, rain .28.Do you have any clear rock crystals on your farm? The government needs them for radios in tanks, ships and air planes. The prices for good ones run from $600 per ton to $20,000 per ton ..... As one of eight W C. U. N. C. seniors who are outstanding in sociology who have made a high academic average and have shown exceptional abili ty, Miss Peggy Lincoln of Try on, editor of the Carolinian, will be initiated as a member of the Alpha Kappa Delta national hon orary sociological frateitiity on ihursday, December 3rd. The in kition to join came from Miss Rie Tillinghast of Fayetteville, who is president of the North Carolina chapter of the A. K. D. . . . . The State Board of Health says 2 1-2 pounds of meat per week is plenty for t. average civilian in any climate. Farmers are asked to sell their surplus perk as live animals so they can be butchered and saved at pack ing plants. Hired hands and seasonal workers should be count ed as members of the family so that all can share in the 2 1-2 pounds per week per person .... The next air raid warning for Tryon and Polk County will not be announced. It will come as a surprise just as would be the ..^.. Continued on Back Page__ Baptist Brotherhood Meets The brotherhood of the First Baptist church will have their regular monthly meeting Friday evening at 7 o’clock in the church dining room. A “Ladies Night” program has been planned. Tryon Basketball Players All young men in the community interested in forming a Tryon basketball team are invited to go to the Tryon school auditorium tonight at 7:30. C. C. Tharpe of the Duke Power Co., is getting up a team. KIWANIS TUESDAY The Tryon Kiwanis club will meet Tuesday at 1 p. m., at Oak Hall hotel. Fred Swann, Jr., will be in charge of the program. “Your blocl^ leader is your con tact with your Defense Council in civilian war services. Your block leader is a special courier of our Government. Your block leader is your source of information con cerning the WHY and HOW of vital civilian war effort. Your block leader should be able to clarify any questions you may have. Your block leader is ONE of you, and knows YOUR prob lems for they are also, his or her problems.” ‘ The block leader plan is de scribed by State OCD Director Ben Douglas as ‘the best mechan ism yet devised to enroll every household in the war effort’.” CIRCLE TO MEET Circle No. 2 of the Methodist church will meet Tuesday after noon at 3:30 with Mrs. R. C. Fitz patrick.