5c PER COPY $2.00 PER YEAR ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS. MARCH 3. 1879 the mm bam Emm The World's Smallest Daily Newspaper, Seth M. Vining, Editor. Vol. 15. Est. 1-31-28 TRYON; N, C., WEDNESDAY, DEC. 9, 1942 CURB REPORTER Weather Tuesday: Low 33, high 36, rain .20 . . . Sunday is get ting closer. If you care to en tertain soldiers Sunday in your home please makes reservations with Mrs. F. P. Bacon right | away . . . LOST: keys in folder. ! Finder please return to Bulletin office . . . Tryon Boy Scout Troop ; No 1, will meet Thursday night at 7 o’clock at the school .... POSTPONED: The Service Men’s club party scheduled for Friday night has been postponed on ac count of the death of Mayor Mis sildine .... Mr. and Mrs. Amos Pritchard of Mill Spring Route are parents of a daughter VPn early this morning at St. Luke’s hospital . . . December 15, is last day to get Sugar Ration ing Book . . . Mrs. H. W. Cruse of “Waelhyll” has gone to spend the holidays with her son, Donald Cruse, and his family at Engle wood, New Jersey . . . Fort Bragg recruiting and induction station reports that Miss Margaret Eliza beth Simms of Tryon has received orders to report to the Woman’s Army Auxiliary Corps Training Center at Daytona Beach, Fla., for active duty effective, Dec. 12th . . . County Accountant W. Y. Wilkins, Jr., states that Janu ary 1 to 31st is tax listing time in Polk County. Official dates and places wiil be announced later. Mayor Missildine Passes Mayor E. E. Missildine of Try on, died suddenly early this morn ing: at his home on Godshaw Hill after a few weeks’ illness. Funeral services will be held at the Erskine Memorial Congrega tional church at 3 p. m., with Dr. C. Arthur Lincoln, pastor, offi ciating. (The date had not been decided at press time pending a message from relatives.) The pallbearers will be K. A. Bowen, C. H. Helms, R. O. An drews, George A. Cathey, W. C. Ward and C. W. Ballenger. Acting Mayor W. S. Green has requested all stores and business houses of the community to close during the time of funeral services. Ernest Ellwood Missildine was born June 1, 1873 at Lebanon, Mo., the youngest child of Alfred H, and Anna Stuart Missildine. At the age of six he moved with his parents to Charleston, S. C., where he received his early edu cation. He was graduated from Rollins college in 1895 and came to Tryon shortly afterwards to teach school. In 1896 he went in to partnership with the late Dr. Earle Grady in the operation of the pharmacy, but bought him out two years later and had op erated the business continuously until the time of his death. In January 1940 the South eastern Drug Journal of Atlanta honored Dr. Missildine with his picture on front page and with an outline of his achievements. It said, “He is a druggist North Carolina points to with pride, a man whose chief interest outside of his business has been the de ..._Continued on Back Pag«_