MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT “THE PRESCRIPTION STORE” OWEN’S PHARMACY, Phone 202. WALGREEN AGENCY Flags of the Allied Nations, made byy Mrs. J. R. Trowbridge for the tryon school will be pre sented to the school at a public program on Friday at 12:30 a.m. These flags, 25 in number, meas uring approximately 12x18 inches, will be presented by Nelson Jack son, Jr., and accepted for the school by the class representatives of the Victory Corps: Elizabeth Anne Vining, senior; Bobby Dick, junior; Louise Owens, sophomore; Janet Derby, freshman. The Christmas play, “At the Inn,” will follow this part of the program. MRS. PEELER has moved her photo shop upstairs over A&P store near Dr. Derby’s office. See her for Christmas Greetings, film developing, pictures and restring ing of pearls.—Adv. THE BULLETIN—6 months $1 FOR RENT: Six room house in Columbus. City water and electri city. Apply to E. B. Cloud, Co lumbus, N. C.—Adv. 17, 22p. A solo contest will be held to night, Pec. 17, at Tryon Colored school, given by fourth and fifth grades. Public invited. H. Han non, teacher. Call 258-J for oven fresh home cooked food, cakes, pies, rolls, cookies and bread. Put in your order now for fruit cake so^^ to be sure to have it for Chr^^P mas. Mrs. J. S. “Dick” Kell.— vertisement' thurs tf. A Complete Assortment of BIRDSEYE FROSTED FOODS ANDREWS & COMPANY Old or new copies of The Try on Daily Bulletin for sale at 5c each. Just Received— SUifUne*U ojf CUT FLOWERS —at (At Tryon Fuel Supply) Phone 154 Try on, N. C.