5c PER COPY $2.00 PER YEAR ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFTCB AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3 1879 the TEm mrmiEM The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper, Seth M. Vining, Editor. Vol. 15. Est. 1-31-28 TRYQN, N. C., TUESDAY, DEC. 22, 1942 ^ *« CURB REPORTER , j Weather Monday: high 42; low ] 21. The mountains around Tryon were beautiful Monday morning when the clouds condensed &nd froze on the trees giving the effect of snow capped peaks. Just an other example of the thermal belt. There was no rain or snow in Tryon . ... In the December issue of the National Publisher, printed in Chicago, is an article on Community Service in War by Fred J. Noeth of Hicksville, N. Y., which is illustrated by j a photograph of the front page j of the Tryon Daily Bulletin which i had a report of the Citizens Ser vice Corps, collection of junk, con servation of electricity, the enter •ment of Camp Croft soldiers Mrs. Bacon’s committee, the swapping of jobs by Major Sharp and Preacher Henry, and a note on our soldiers and sailors at home and abroad . . . Rodney Constance, coxswain on the San Francisco, the ship which was bombed by the Japs, is home for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bowen Constance. Sellars Edwards and Jack Constance who are on the same ship, will get their leave in January for a visit home .... The War News con tinues to look better with Rom mel on the run, the Russians push ing back the Germans and the French aiding the Allies in Afri ca .. . The U. S. Supreme Court has ruled that the six-week Neva _Continued fmm print* _ Would Prohibit Retail Sale Of Wine and Beer In Polk At a meeting of the Polk Coun ty Democratic Executive commit tee held in Columbus Saturday, a resolution was adopted by unani mous vote to recommend to the Polk County representative in the legislature to introduce a bill in the legislature to abolish the re tail sale of all wine and beer in Polk county. If the bill were passed it would not affect those manu facturing and selling wine at wholesale, according to a member of the committee. BANK CLOSES SATURDAY President Julian B. Hester of the Tryon Bank & Trust Co., has received a proclamation from Gov ernor Broughton which makes Sat urday, December 26th, a legal bank holiday in the state and it is man datory upon all banks in the state to close on that day. I Methodist Pageant Wed. I The Tryon Methodist Christmas j pageant will be given Wednes I day night at 7:30 at the church. | Public invited. j Kiwanis-Rotary Tonight Plans are completed for the big | Kiwanis-Rotary dinner-meeting to | night at 7:30 at Oak Hall with j Hon. C. R. Hoey as speaker and I Edwin Beach, soloist, as features. i Dance New Year’s Eve ! Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kerhulas | will give a script dance New | Year’s Eve at Sunnydale. Adver I tisement in the Bulletin says the j admission will be $1 couple.