MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT “THE PRESCRIPTION STORE” OWEN’S PHARMACY, Phone 202. WALGREEN AGENCY RATIONING OF STOVES On and aftei* Dec. 18, all new oil and coal-fired heating stoves and space heaters will be included in the Emergency Rationing pro gram. Those who wish to purchase such equipment and who qualify under certain conditions outlined in the regulations must apply to the Polk County War Price and Rationing Board for a certificate of purchase. No stoves may be bought except by holders of such a certificate. Full information concerning this new program is available to any one apply to the Polk Rationing Board. Fuel Oil Committee. Polk County WPRB. George Leupold, noted Chicago artist is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Marsh. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Spurdle of Elizabeth, N. J., and New York, who bought the Buckius house here, have arrived in Tryon. David Zogbaum is home for the holidays with his parents, Capt. and Mrs. Rufus Zogbaum. TRADE-MARK For the little dog who can’t go with you is Bide-A-Wee Dog Farm. Good air, good care, good fare. . Virginia A. Bland, owner, phone 424-W.—Adv. 21, 22, 23. FOR RENT or SALE: I have some very choice homes available, furnished or unfurnished. E. Perry Manville, Real Estate & Insurance. Phone 71 or 230-J.— Adv. 18, 22, 29, 30. Tryon Country Day School Private day school for kinder ten and grades from 1 to 8. October 1 to June 1. MISS HOPE WASHBURN MRS. K. A. BOWEN MISS BETTY LAU The Bulletin 1 Year $2.00. A Complete Assortment of BIRDSEYE FROSTED FOODS ANDREWS & COMPANY Tryon Theatre THURSDAY and FRIDAY December 24th, 25th with ROBERT STERLING , kvto ( Patricia Da'/« • Reginald [Mmn Owen • L't) Patrick > Charlt Ding'd J. B. HESTER W. M. HESTER Insurance Since 1905 Real Estate Since 1923 Hester Real Estate and Insurance Agency Phon No. 37—Hester Ruilding, Tryon, N. C.