MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT “THE PRESCRIPTION STORE” OWEN’S PHARMACY, Phone 202. WALGREEN AGENCY LANDIS—McCLURE Miss Evelyn McClure, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Garrison McClure of Tryon, was married to Corpor al Howard Landis, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. John L Landis of Columbus, on Saturday, Decem ber 19th, in the Post Chapel at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey. Pres ent were close friends of the bridegroom from his battalion at Fort Monmouth. The bride wore a soldiers blue wool dress with British tan ac cessories. Her shoulder corsage was of pink rosebuds. After January 5th, Mrs. Landis will be back in school at Appala chian State Teachers college at Boone, where she is a sophomore. Corporal Landis is in the radio division of the U. S. Army Signal Corps and is stationed at Fort Monmouth. Louis Lindsey of the U. S. Navy arrived home Christmas Eve for the holidays. Mrs. Harold Culler and daugh ter, Sandra, have returned to Wilmington after spending the holidays with relatives here. Miss Hope Rogers of Enka spent the Christmas weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll P. Rogers. DANCE at SUNNYDALE 9:30 P. M. New Year’s Eve (Price $1 Couple) For Table Reservations PHONE 170 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Erskine, Jr., of Brevard were Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Erskine. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sullivan of Concord were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Dick during the holi days. LOST: Sunday, a small antique silver cigarette case. REWARD if returned to the Bulletin office.—i Advertisement 24, 28, 29c. " WANTED: Settled white girl or middle aged women to do light house work temporarily. Write H. B. Luther, care W. V. O’Neil, Box 906, Tryon.—Adv. 23, 28p. FOR SALE CHEAP: One 1935 DeSota. Good shape and good tires. Write H. B. Luther, care w. V. O. Neil, box 906, Tryon, N. C.—Adv. 23, 28c. A Complete Assortment of BIRDSEYE FROSTED FOODS ANDREWS & COMPANY Roy L. Blackwell Agent Imperial Life Insurance Company Tryon, North Carolina