5c PER COPY $2.00 PER YEAR •NTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICB AT TRYON, N. C- UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE TEM EMVEVILEW The World's Smallest Daily Newspaper, Seth M. Vining, Editor. Vol. 15. Est. 1-31-28 TRYON, N. C., FRIDAY, JAN.. 15, 1943 CURB REPORTER Weather Thursday: High 52, low 20 . . . Staff Sgt. Hoke Jacobs is now with the 14th Fighter Skjdn., Drew Field, Tampa, Fla. . . . . Subscriptions renewed for Mrs. Farmer Moore at Columbia, | S. C., Hugh H. Hill at Wilming ton, N. C., Kelly Pittman, some where in Africa. New subscription for Miss Nannie Walker in De troit, Pvt. Alfred Phillips, Station hospital, Camp Phillips, Kansas, Pvt. Stanley E. Jones, Hospital Ward No. 54, Fort Jackson, S. C. .... Postmaster George Cooksey of Tryon has received notice from the Post Office Department that no more newspapers can be ac fpntpd after today for delivery to "oldiers and marines overseas, ex jK t the one already on the pub oner’s mailing list. So if you want to send the Bulletin to soldier overseas send in your sub scription today. After today the request for newspapers has to be signed by the soldier, sailor or marine. The same ruling applies to packages. You can not send a package to a man overseas unless he requests it and has the approval of his commanding offi cer. So far the ruling does not affect delivery of papers and packages to those men in the ser vices who are stationed in this country. One nice thing about sending the Bulletin even in this _Continued on Back Page_ INSURANCE EXCHANGE ELECTS OFFICERS The annual meeting of the Polk County Insurance Exchange was held in Tryon on Thursday eve ning at 7:30 and the following officers were elected for the year: L. L. Clippard, Saluda, presi dent; J. B. Hester, Tryon, vice president; G. H. Holmes, Tryon, treasurer; R. H. Brady, Tryon, secretary. Every member of the Exchange was present for this meeting. It was reported that each member of the local exchange is a mem ber of the North Carolina Asso ciation of Insurance Agents, which body is a member of the National Association. MILL SPRING SCHOOL TO MAKE CHANGE Due to press of duties connect ed with the regular work of his churches, Rev. H. F. Bean has asked to be relieved of the posi tion of acting principal of Mill Spring school, in which capacity he has been serving as substitute for W. H. McDonald, Polk Rep resentative to the Legislature. Mr. Bean will continue to act as principal throughout this week, but his successor will assume the responsibilities of the principal ship on Monday, January 18th. Mr. Bean will continue to teach the classes left by Mr. McDonald until his return from the Legis lature—probably in February. Russians advance 26 miles against Germans in one day in Caucasus. French drive Nazis from two points in Tunisia.