5c PER COPY $2.00 PER YEAR INTER ED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THB POSTOFFICB . AT TRYON, N. C- UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE mm DAM MLLEM The World's Smallest Daily Newspaper, Seth M. Vining, Editor. Vol. 15. Est. 1-31-28 TRYON. N. C., WED., JANUARY 20, 1943 Do Hotels and Inns Use Canned Food? About twelve hundred pounds of j ^^cans were collected Tuesday, ^^uch larger quantity musthave gone to the dump, as a majority I of the hotels, boarding houses and dwellings made no contribution. j Another collection will be made I in about a month and it is hoped | that the response will be more enthusiastic. If this material were not needed the government would not be making such urgent appeals ! for its conservation. The Town of Tryon furnishes j transportation when the collec tions are made.—Salvage Commit tee. School Glee Club At P.-T. A. Thursday The Tryon Parent-Teachers as sociation will meet Thursday af ^fcnoon at 3:30 at the Tryon JPbol. The program will be pre sented by the Tryon high school Glee club under the direction of Edwin Beach. A feature of the meeting will be a cup shower for the school cafeteria. Public is in vited to the program and for the tea afterwards. The hostesses will be Mrs. W. R. Hoots, Mrs. B. B. Bobo, Mrs. B. G. Henry, Mrs. E. R. Goodyear, Mrs. L. C. Reynolds, Mrs. B. B. Flynn, Mrs. C. A. Martin, Mrs. David Todd. Club will sing, “I Am An Am erican,” “Prayer of Thanksgiving”, “Steal Away”, “Stout Hearted Men”, “Kerry Dance,” “Praise Carol”, “Deck the Halls,” and “Dream of Love,” an arrangement of Fred Waring. Brady Re-Elected Scout Chairman for Polk At the annual meeting of the Piedmont Council Boy Scouts of America, held Tuesday night in Gastonia with representatives of 11 counties present, R. H. Brady of Tryon was re-elected county chairman or district vice-president for Polk County. Those making the trip to Gastonia were Council Vice-president Nelson Jackson, Jr., Polk County Court of Honor Chairman R. W. Blanchard, Tryon Scoutmaster Dr. Will McCall, Try on Cuhmasters J. M. Baker and R. L. Dick. Regional Executive W. A. Dob son of Atlanta was the chief speaker. Judge Bismark Capps of Gastonia was re-elected Council president, and Nelson Jackson, Jr., of Tryon was re-elected Council vice-president. Mr. Dobson gave a thrilling ad dress in which he showed the splendid work done by Boy Scouts in their preparation for manhood and citizenship. He gave war de partment statistics which showed that 20 per cent of the men in the services are Boy Scouts, and that 77 per cent of the decorations awarded for bravery and distin guished service have been given to former Boy Scouts. One army instructor told him that Boy Scout training had saved the army three months of training in many cases. He said now is the time to give more attention to the training of our boys. The fingers of our con sciences will be pointing at us in the future if we fail now to pro vide Boy Scout training. Every patriotic citizen should £o out now into isolated communities and or ganize Boy Scout troops in order to give them the important Scout training.