5c PER COPY $2.00 PER YEAR ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE TRm IHHl BUILEM The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper, Seth M. Vining, Editor. Vol. 16. Est. 1-31-28 TRYON, N. C„ TUESDAY, FEB. 2, 1943 Weather Monday: High GO, low j 39 , . . . Mrs. John Phillips, who | has been coming to Tryon for 41 ! years, and who was a subscriber to the Tryon Bee, is a new sub scriber of the Tryon Daily Bulle tin at Oak Hall cottage No. 3. Another new one is Cpl. Paul Justice, 34211116, APO 43, care Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. He and Max Feagan and Hugh Tessneer of Columbus are in the New Caledonia area of the Pacific. He wrote his mother, Mrs. Archie Price, “If you can’t get a Bulle tin any other way send me a let ter full once a week, for we (JMax and I) surely do miss them.” . . . Another new subscriber is Mrs. H. H. Carson of Lenoir; Mrs. «knford Thompson, Pacific GroVe, ■if., Robert Painter, Route One. enewals for Miss Florence Cox, former Polk Home Demonstration Agent, now of Halifax, N. C., Miss Anne Clarke of Burlington, N. C., Mrs. W. W. Crapo, Detroit, Mich. First Officer (Captain) Helen Hedekin, 517 North Wild Olive St., Daytona Beach, Fla., Miss Mary Beach, Terre Haute, Ind. Roosevelt back in Washington from his conference with Churchill in North Africa, withdraws nomina tion of . Edward J. Flynn to be his personal ambassador to the Pacific islands. Russians continue to drive the Germans back to within 40 miles of Rostov. li. F. LAWTER Burgan Franklin Lawter, 61, son of the late M. R. Lawter and Sarah Jackson Lawter of Ruther ford county, passed away in a hos pital in Kansas City, Mo., January 31st at 1:30 a. m. He had made his home in Kansas City for sev eral years. Mr. Lawter is survived by his widow, the former, Mrs. Hal Hor ton of Kansas City; two daugh ters of Washington state; and one sister, Mrs. Selina McMurray, of Columbus. Mr. Lawter was a prominent merchant in Columbus over 30 years ago. SALUDA SAVING CANS Chief H. G. Laughter, chairman | of the Saluda Scrap Metal com I mittee reports that his community I is now saving tin cans. Major [ Bernard Sharp, County Salvage [ chairman, hopes that the practice ! will extend over the county. It is much less difficult to re move the second end from cans if it is covered with a cloth. If it were not worth the trouble to SAVE TIN CANS, the govern ment would not be saying so much about it. Honor Roll For Tryon School Second Grade: Phyllis Dean Nanney, Genell Turner, Charles Arledge, Bobby Reynolds, Wallace Lankford, Kenneth Walker, John Floyd Peeler, Chaney Lee Comer, Elizabeth Emery, Edgar Ballew. Third Grade: Ray Melton, Har vey Waters, Elliott Richards, Floyd Walker, Laura Ann Nanney, Lois Bridgeman, Dorothy Walker, Continued on Back Page