5c PER COPY $2.00 PER YEAR ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE TRM DAILY BlILLETHY The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper, Seth M. Vining, Editor. Vol. 16. Est. 1-31-28 TRYON, N. C., TUESDAY, FEB. 16, 1943 CURB REPORTER Weather Monday: High 37; low, 11. . . . Shannon Meriwether, Tryon architect and photographer, has on display at the Tryon Book & Paper Shop some interesting pictures of Tryon homes and scenes. This exhibit gives one an opportunity to “visit” these places by proxy now that gas rationing is in effect. Some interior as well as exterior views of some of Try on’s new homes are given, and there are a number of attractive enlargements of several Tryon people. It is well worth a visit. The shop is open only in the mornings .... A new Bulletin subscription goes to John (Spur K) Arledge, Jr. A|S, Co. 458 . 416, U. S. N. T. S., Bain je, Maryland; toPvt. James H. King, Jr., Hq. Hq. Btry. 122, C. A. Group (A. A.), Camp Stewart, Ga. A renewal for Lieut. John A. Kittrell, now in North Africa. Pvt. James E. Swain has moved from Robin Field, Ga., to 1063 M. P. Camp, Bks 317, Daniel Field, Ga.^Pvt. Leroy Greene is now getting his paper in care of the postmaster of New York City. . . . The residence of Will F. Bar ber of Saluda was badly damaged by fire Sunday. All of second floor was burned off ... . Rev. B. G. Henry receiyed a letter re cently from F. R. Brown, former denot agent here. He said that it looked as though he was at last ....Continued on Back Page_ Mrs. Green’s Funeral Today Funeral services for Mrs. W. S. Green, wife of Mayor Green of ! Tryon, who died Monday morning will be held this afternoon at 3 o’clock at the Tryon First Baptist church with the pastor, the Rev. B. G. Henry, officiating. Interment in Tryon cemetery. The pallbear ers will be Julian Hester, Jim Moore, Tom Costa, M. R. McCown, R. B. White, W. Y. Wilkins. Mrs. Green had been in declining health for some time. She was a member df a prominent pioneer Polk County family, and before her marriage taught school in this county. Calling Sherman E. Phillips The Polk County Draft Board reports that Sherman Everett Phillips failed to report for physi cal examination and that he is therefore directed to report by mail, telegraph or in person at his own expense, to the local board on or before 9 a. m., Monday, Feb. 22, under penalty of a fine or im prisonment, or both. A copy of this order has been sent to the Governor of North Carolina. PROMOTED TO CORPORAL Public Realtions office at Camp Phillips, Kans., reports that Monty C. Staton of Saluda, N. C., son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Monty Staton, has been promoted to cor poral of Co. K. 301st Inf. His serial number is 34593321. His wife, Mrs. Mary Louise Staton, also lives in Saluda. The regular meeting of the Home Friendly club will be held this Friday, Feb. 19th, at the office of the club at 10 a. m.—