CURB REPORTER -Continued from Paae One_ will be given an opportunity. This is really a selfish patriotic pro ject, for those joining the class will get a jump on learning all about planes, navigation, etc., necessary to operate a plane. And after the war the desire to own a plane or fly one will be so great and the cost so high that many will not have the opportunity that is presented now by govern ment sponsorship . . . Qualified men in the infantry will receive from $5 to $10 extra pay accord ing to a bill passed by the U. S. Senate Wednesday . . . U. S. Fleet defeated the Japs in the big naval battle in the Pacific in the past few days. Admiral Nimitz says what Jap ships were not destroy ed fled . . . George K. Snow, executive secretary of North Caro lina Salvage and leader of the State Office of Civilian Defense, was elected state commander of the North Carolina American Legion at the convention in Ashe ville this week. Mr. Snow has visited Tryon a number of times and has made a lot of friends here . . . Cherbourg, France, ex pected to fall today. . LET’S BUY WAR BONDS . . . Johnnie C. Mc Entire, USN, home on leave for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McEntire, after 11 months in the Pacific, was on a Liberty ship that broke in two on a reef outside San Francisco. He says Jap planes don’t have a chance when they come in range of American guns. He missed see ing his brother, Forest McEntire, who was here last week after 19 months in the Marines . . Another welcome visitor is Pvt. Leroy Greene, who is back from Anzio Beachhead in Italy and the cam paign in North Africa. Both^fen looked fine. . . Saw Miss Doubleday Wednesday. She is The same, vivacious and sparkling with cheerfulness even though she has been ill. Let’s BUY Bonds to help end this war quicker. The pur chase of a War Bond is not a donation. It is an investment in the future of America and a nest egg for our old age or rainy day. 100 PER CENT OWNERS OF War Bonds All our employees have bought Fifth War Loan Bonds. We believe in them. BUCHANAN'S 5 & 10c STORE Tryon, N. C.