WINE! • DRY and • SEMI-DRY Manufactured by E. G. VOLLMER On sale at our Wine Cello* Lawn mowers sharpened, wash ing machines and electric motors repaired. Called for and delivered Wednesdays and Saturdays. Used motors and fans bought and sold. Write or Call Motor Repair Shop, East Flat Rock, N. C. Telephone No. 1083-J.—Ad. 12 16 19 22, 26 28 -RED CROSS NEEDS WORKERS THE BULLETIN—$3 per year. Coca-Cola Bottling Company Forest City, N. C. FOR SALE: “The Beatson Place” in Tryon. Three acres of land, seven room house, fine loca tion. Any reasonable offer consid ered. W. T. Beatson, 1629 N. Oak Street, Arlington, Va.—Advertise ment 21, 23, 26, 28 jly 3. FOR SALE: Ladders, garden tools, paints, lawn mower, empty barrels, gallon jugs, and other household goods. Apply to Miss Louradour at the Catholic rectory on Laurel avenue.—Adv. 20, ?6p LOST: Size 8.25 x 20 truck tire between Landrum and Flat Rock. $5 reward. Telephone or write J. Frank Blakely Company, Spar tanburg, S. C. Adv 23, 26,27c The War Department do^^V permit publishers to mail ^ree newspapers to members of the armed forces overseas, so be sure to have relatives or friends keep your subscription paid up.—tf. BUTLER’S DAIRY Phone 429