MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT “THE PRESCRIPTION STORE” OWEN’S PHARMACY. Phone 202. WALGREEN AGENCY. TRYON SCHOOL DONATES TO UNITED WAR FUND Tryon graded school faculty and students have contributed $66.67 to the United War Fund. The faculty gave $32.60 as follows: L. K. Singley, Miss Myrtle Baldwin, Mrs. Marcus B. Cald well, Miss Mary Gamble, Miss Corinne Greene, Mrs. W. R. Mc Cargo, Miss Thelma Mills, Mrs. Sue Nottingham, Miss Estelle Pace, Mrs. Geraldine Rion, Miss Annie Sevier, Mrs. Marguerite Smith, Miss Ada B. Veile, Mrs. Eunice S. Watson, Mrs. Kathleen West, JMiss Ruth Wolfe, Miss Lula Burrell. The students gave $34.17 by grades as follows: First grade, Mrs. W. R. Mc Cargo, teacher; first grade, Miss Ruth Wolfe, teacher; second grade, Mrs. Eunice Watson, teach er; second and third grades, Mrs. Geraldine Rion, teacher; third grade, Mrs. M. B. Caldwell, teach er; fourth grade, Miss Thelma Mills, teacher; fifth grade, Miss Estelle Pace, teacher; fifth grade, Mrs. Sue Nottingham, teacher; sixth grade, Mrs. Marguerite Smith, teacher; seventh grade, Mrs. Bowen and Mrs. West, teach ers; eighth grade, Misses Elmina Wages and Mary Gamble, teach ers, ninth grade, Misses Corrine Greene, Miss Veile, teachers; tenth grade, Miss Myrtle Bald win, teacher; twelfth grade, Miss Annie Sevier, teacher. FOR SALE: Four acres of land and log cabin; located in Polk County, near Lynch’s Park, one mile from Lake Lure, on hard sur faced road. Mrs. Lily Taylor, Mill Spring, N. C.—Adv. 4 5,p. 1 Quart Size OLD ENGLISH LIQUID FLOOR WAX—75c —at— JACKSON’S Phone 14 N. L. Wilson, Prop. Mrs. Mark E. Dennett and fam ily have moved to the Derby cot tage on Warrior Drive. TRYON THEATRE SHOWINGS: Sunday, 3:30, 9:00 p. m. Daily, 3:30, 7, 9 p. m. Sat urday, 1 p. m., continuous. No matinee Tuesday or Thursday. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY W. C. Fields and E. Powell in “Sensation of 1945” FRIDAY ONLY G. Sanders and V. Bruce in “Action In Arabia” SATURDAY ONLY “Fugitive Valley” SUNDAY ONLY Phil Baker, Marjorie Massow in “Take It Or Leave It” e*m* Coca-Cola Bottling Company Forest City, N. C.