The Tryon Daily Bulletin The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper. Seth M. Vining, Editor. 6c PER COPY TRYON, N. C. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 194g Est. 1-31-28 Published Daily Except Saturday and Sunday Vol. 18r—No. 12 ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 Columbus News Tuesday evening Rev. and Mrs. Homer Brady were pounded by members of their congregation here. It was a liberal pounding, surprise to the Bradys was ^Pmplete. Punch and cookies had been provided and a “good time was enjoyed by all.” The singing at Midway last Sunday afternoon, was well at tended, and in addition to the singing it was an opportunity to see friends and acquaintances. With the scarcity of gas we do not get around as much now. The death of little Jackie Bur nette was a shock to relatives. He had been ill only a short time, had been at St. Luke's only a few days. The sympathy of the com munity goes out to the young mother, Mrs. Conway Burnett. Mr. Burnett has been overseas in the South Pacific for sometime. Today, Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gibson are moving to Marion, N. C. Sorry to lose j^us nice young couple, j^pirs. Noah Feagan spent the ^MPst week end with relatives here. Mesdames C. E. Blanton and E. H. Gibbs were guests of the C. C. Bays in Hendersonville Sat urday. Mrs. James Swain made a bus iness trip to Spartanburg Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Moore were up for the week end with Mrs. Frank Bishop, sister of Miss Moore. Miss Ophelia Shields accompa nied by two little nieces, came up from Columbia Saturday for the week end with her mother, Mrs. Mollie O’Shields. „ _Continued on Back Page_ . WITH OUR ARMED FORGES I Pvt. Hicks McAbee is in the hos pital in England and to his sur prise he met Pvt. Vart Conner. They spent the night together, and were so happy to see each other. Pvt. Ray Arledge wrote his sis ter, Mrs. W. L! O’Sullivan that he is improving in the hospital at Thomasville, Ga. He has been ov erseas. Pvt. James Troy Morns has completed his course as radio'me chanic ^t Madison, Wisconsin and has been moved to Illinois. Sgt. Robert H. Gibbs now sta tioned at Detroit, Michigan, was home on a few days leave, re cently, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Burgin Gibbs. Pvt. Robert J. Hamilton of Day tona Beach, Fla. is home on a 23-day leave. Bob says, “We Amer icans do not realize how lucky we were, in not having our homes and country destroyed by bombs. He has just returned from Italy. Pvt. Albert Roddy wrote his parents that he was in Luxem bourg, and they were having a lot of snow. He is with Patton’s 3rd Army. Pvt. J. D. Williams has been visiting friends ^ and relatives in and around Sunny View. * Pfc~Ben T. McAbee wrote and said he had a chance to visit Ger many.