it gym CURB REPORTER Weather Friday: High 78, low 45; Saturday high 76, low 45, rain 1.07; Sunday high 51, low 35, rain .27 . . . Radio reports that Ameri cans have landed on Iwo Jima islands, 750 miles nearer Japan and in land-based bombing range. Landings followed terrific battle ship and air bombing of island Landings also made on Corregi dor, and Bataan is under control of Americans. Canadians, British and Americans making progress on German west front. Russians drive closer to Berlin from the Southeast .... The Boy Scout Court of Honor will be held tonight at the Tryon school, the first court of honor since National Boy Scout Week. Public invited to attend . . . During these times of help short age when we all are doubling up in our work and doing our best to keep' things going on the home front we are apt to do many unusual things or leave the usual things undone. Ralph C. Erskine, the author and lecturer, is busy writing a book between his duties of looking after things at Paco let Plantation. One Sunday morn ing recently he made a hurried check up on a hen’s nest just be fore going to church to sing a solo part for the special music. Imagine his surprise soon after arriving at the church and reach ing into his pocket for something, to withdraw his fingers smeared with the gooey, stringy contents of a broken egg. In his haste in gathering eggs he had put one in his pocket and forgot about it. He made for the water spigot, and choir members gathered around to offer their assistance, and the minister dashed out to see what had happened, thinking some one had fainted. But not the Planter of Pacolet Plantation. He sang his part as if nothing had happened, Every news item you send to the Bulletin helps to make a more interesting letter to some friend in the armed forces. HOSPITAL NEWS: Dismissals Sunday included Mrs. Rosa Lee Burns of Route 3, Landrum; Mrs. Luther Pittman of Tryon; Russell Jones of Tryom; Mrs. Bess Aber crombie. Admitted to hospital on Sunday, Mrs. Dollie Parker of Tryon; Richard Thompson of Mill Spring. A son was born Sunday morning to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Revis of Saluda. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Hair from Chicago have taken the'Bax ter Haynes house for the rest of the season. ....Have a place with 23 acres of land; beautiful view; aflfet of fruit trees. Most lancflR der cultivation Sphere is a six room hopse tUat needs some repairs. Apotft two and a half miles from/Trvon. Apply to TOM CO^TA, TRYON REAL ESTATE. Adv TRY ON THEATRE SHOWINGS: Sunday, 3:30, 9:00 p. m. Daily, 3:30, 7, 9 p. m. Sat urday, 1 p. m., continuous. No matinee Tuesday or Thursdi Idas MONDAY and TUESDA Jeannq[ Crain, Lon, McCallister in “Winded /Victory” Filmed from way triumph Latest news Hart’s Broad stage hit. Plus: he Western front. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY Abbott and Costello in “Lost In A Harem” Were you ever in a Harem? WOW! Plus: Popular Science and Sport light.