Mr. and Mrs. Gendall Biownlee of 1132 Inglenook, Cincinnati 8, Ohio, are parents of a son born at 6:25 morning of Peb. 24, at Christ Hospital; weight 9 pounds 12 ounces. Miss Elisabeth Watson of the American Red Cross was in Try on during the week-end while enroute from Greensboro to her new post at Lawson Field, At lanta, Ga. HOSPITAL NiEWS: Patients who left the hospital over the week-end: Mrs. Clara Atkins of Landrum; John Nelon of Mill Spring; Clyde Price of- Tryon; Gwendolyn Ziegler, colored of Try «p. daughter was born to Mr. d Mrs. J-. P. Metcalf of Tryon on Saturday. The Inman (S. C.) Times of March 2, had a picture of Cpl. Walter A. Hayes, who has been in service 17 months and is now overseas in the Philippines. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hayes of Inman .His wife and daughters live in Tryon. Miss Helen Morgan of Mount Pleasant, N. C., spent the week end in Tryon with her mother, Mrs. C. W. Morgan. wrist Mrs. M. Parish-Watson of Fair field, Conn., arrived in Tryon Fri day from Nassau for several weeks visit with relatives and is staying with her brother, R. C. Erskine, and family at Pacolet Plantation. LOST: Boston Terrier. He only one eye. Finder please r to Gertrude Schoff.—Adv 5, 6' Anyone having afti elejjfrrtc infra red light fney willing to lend, please call Ikfs. John Bull ard, Phone LOST: Elbon low gold. RE WAR to Ruth Butler 01 office.—Adv. 5, ^7p. WANTED: i Furnishes room or small apartment in llowp^Tryoi for oceupancy fall /iffia wint 1945-46. Address Jnomas EhfeJ General Delivery, Tryon.—Adf WPLEASE RETURN-*! AIL WIRE AND CARDBOARD To Rector’s^Cleaners In Order That You May Continue to Get Your Clothes On' Hangers./ >