DOG NOTES Editor Polk County News, and Tryon Daily Bulletin. Dear Sir: The State Board of Health has called attention to an increase in hydrophobia during the past few months. Rabies is a fatal disease in which can be transmitted to man, and, unless preventive treatment is* taken, hydrophobia may develop. This is one. of our most dreaded diseases since 100 percent of persons developing it £ys die. The vaccination of dogs ast rabies is the best method reventing hydrophobia, and a State Law required that all dogs be vaccinated each year before the first of July. In order to cooperate with the Health Department in preventing rabies, our County Commissioners at their last meeting appointed the following Rabies Inspectors for the different townships: J. T. Greenway for Greens Creek township. Elbert Nanney, Tryon and Sa luda townships. Ralph Edwards, Cooper’s Gap and White Oak townships. Willie Walker for Columbus (2) Dogs not vaccinated by July first are to be reported to the sheriff for legal action to be taken ag/ainst the owner or the house holder where the dogs are kept. ’lowing this, if the dogs are not ^Uh vaccinated within three days rney may be killed. (3) When a dog is vaccinated by a Rabies Inspector, the owner is given a receipt and a tag. The tag is to be placecT on the dog’s collar. The receipt should be kept to be presented to the Superintend ent of Schools who will then issue an order for a refund of 50c of the vaccination fee of each dog, which amount will be credited on payments or county taxes. As already stated, hydrophobia is a fatal disease which is on the increase in our State. If you call attention to the methor of preven tion through the vaccination of all dogs in Polk County it will be of great help in guarding our citizens against this dreaded malady. Following is a schedule for dog vaccinations Tryon and Saluda townships: Southern Mercerizing store, Ap ril 7th from 3 to 5 o’clock. Valhalla post office, April 14th from 3 to 5 o’clock. Lynn bridge, April 28th from 3 to 5 o’clock. Farmers Federation, May 5th, from 3 to 5 o’clock. Farmers Federation, June 23rd, from 3 to 5 o’clock. Saluda school, March 31st from 3 to 5 o’clock and April 21st from 3 to 5 p. m. B. E. Washburn, M. D., County Health Officer. Uncle Sam Needs That Waste Fat “Save More Waste Fats” is the appeal going to homemakers riot only in North Carolina but also to those of the entire nation. The supplies of these fats now being collected are not keeping up with the ever -quickening tempo of war needs and production. Mrs. Estelle T. Smith of State College, who is chairman of the Fat Salvage Committee, reports that while some counties in North Carolina are doing exceptionally good work, the total number of salvaged fats can easily be doubled and tripled. “In Gates county, for example, Home Demonstration Agent Ona Patterson is very careful to ar range for the return of all buck ets and cans to housewives. This has resulted in' increasing the amount of salvaged fats turned in. “Home demonstration club wo men are actively supporting the drive for extra fats. The com munity service chairman collects the salvaged material and it is put into lard stands for delivery to the merchant. - “Organization is the secret be hind any salvage drive. Join with your friends and neighbors in col lecting fats. There is no important work for the club in your neigh borhood than this. Back the attack with Bonds,—and Fats.” Subscription to Bulletin out of county, one year $A; in county $S.