There will be services Sunday at 8 p. m., at the Methodist church given by the Methodist Youth Fel lowship for the public. The pro gram will be made up of a combin ation of Easter and Crusade for Christ program. 16 young people will take part. The food sale to have been giv en by the ladies of the Tryon Pres byterian church has been postponed until a later date. There will be pome colored Easter eggs for sale at Farthing and Covington store. Tune in Saturday, March 31, at 1:30 p. m., to the program “Re port to the Nation”, the dramatic story of Dwight W. Holder, Ma chinist Mate second class, a native of Winston-Salem and Elkin, N. C., home on leave after 19 months’ service in the South Pacific. The Forward Bible classes of the Presbyterian church will meet on Monday evening at 8 o’clock with Mrs. A. H. Williams on Markham Road. FOR SALE: 146 /acre farm. Containing 42 acres Pacolet River bottom; 25 acres upland in culti vation; 16 acres pasture; balance in wood and sawt Itimber. One 5-room house; two Vfclls and three springs. Several Ijbod building sites. Seven miles film Tryon ad joining Newt Frye firm. For fur ther information see G. Harrison Bridgeman.—Adv. 30. ap. 2, 4c. The Little Barber Shop that renders big city service. Up stair* jfext to postoffice.—tu fri. E. 6. Ballew, Operator TRYO N THEATRE SHOWINGS: Sunday, 3:30, 9:00 p. m. Daily, 3:30, 7, 9 p. m. Sat urday, 1 p. m., continuous. No matinee Tuesday or Thursday. FRIDAY—(Double Feature)^' Peggy Ryan, Ann Blyth in Babes on Swing Street Also Anton Dolin and Alicia Markova in SOMETHING FOR MJSS JOLIE Plus: News, #Leon Earl Comedy, The CHURCH of the HOLY CROSS SERVICES EASTER DAY 8:00 A. M. 10:00 A. M. 11:00 A. M. ---_-The Holy Communion -i---„-The Sunday School ----Festival Service SPECIAL MUSIC BY THE CHOIR.