Columbus Scouts Organize Professor James Brooks, for some weeks has been instrumental in organizing a troop of Boy Scouts for Columbus, and secured the cooperation of Rev. Homer Brady who will act as Scoutmast er. Ernest H. Gibbs will be the assistant Scoutmaster. R. H. Brady, county Boy Scout chairman, Nelson Jackson, 3rd assistant Scoutmaster of Tryon Troop 1, and county Scout Com missioner Isham Henderson, at tended the first meeting. Also pres ent were the three members of the Troop committee: J. A. Wilson, Donald Spurlin, and C. E. Blan ton of Columbus. A charter has been applied for. Prof. Brooks, with the approval of Principal G. Tolliver, secured a suitable room in the school gymnasium as head quarters for troop meetings. This has been painted and made at tractive. Scoutmaster Brady has inaugurated a full program of Scout activities. Fifteen Scouts have already enrolled. Others will join later. A successful paper salvage drive was carried out Saturday > as the first community activity of the group'. Mrs. Mary Stearns Graham had as guests during the weekend, her grandson, Harold Marmaduke of Waterbury, Conn., and his guest John Hoth, of Summit, N. J. They came down from the Naval hos pital, Kennilworth, Asheville where they are for a short stay. WANTED: for tourist Hall, Tryon ): Experienced he tel. Apply ay .—Adv. 9, ltyll. chef Oak IMPORTANT TO CAR OWNERS Have the dust, sand,\slud^