The Tryon Daily Bulletin The World's Smallest daily Newspaper. Seth M. Vining, Editor. 5c PER COPY TRYON, N. C. FRIDAY, APRIL 20TH, 1945 Published Daily Except Saturday and Sunday Est. 1-31-28 Vol. 18—No. 55 ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 CURB KJfirUKTJBJt Weather Thursday: High 75, low 48 . . . Americans moving for ward in Germany taking Leipsig and Halle. Seventh Army less than 70 miles from Munich. Russians driving toward Berlin. Hitler still asks Germans to fight to the last. Nearly one million German sol diers captured during April. Ger many is being squeezed on all sides. . . . M. D. Vail of Pine Crest Inn is opening the Riding & Hunt club trails around Tryon and reports many beautiful vistas within a few minutes ride or even an hour’s walk. He is using Sam Bingham’s trail map as a guide. Tryonites can build up their own ^fcrale considerably during these of \?ar and stress by drink mi in the beauty of this moun tain country. Don’t ride a car far. Take to the woods and trails on foot. See the wild flowers in bloom growing everywhere, the white clouds floating by overhead, look down from mountain tops at the quilted landscape Of farms; get a view of Lake Lanier at sundown; picnic along the many mountain streams. There are thousands of opportunities to refresh your soul. Then you will feel better and can write that boy in the Armfid Forces a cheerful letter full of plans for the good times ahead when he comes home .... The Home Friendly garden pilgrim age, tea etc., Saturday, rain or _Continued on Back Page_ . | Mrs. Ersk.ine New President I Of the Lanier Club The Lanier club held its annual meeting on April 19th, at 3:30 p. m. Reports were given by the treasurer and corresponding sec retary and the chairmen of the various committees. They were followed by the librarian’s report. These reports showed increase in membership, continued interest in | the work of the club and indicat ed a live and growing organiza tion which is a center of Tryon life. The following officers were elect ed for the coming year: President, Mrs. Ralph Erskine. Vice-president, Mrs. Joseph Clair. Secretary, Mrs. Eugene Turner. •Treasurer, Mrs. Carroll Rogers. Corresponding secretary, Miss Katharine Hamilton. Directors: Mrs. Jessie Ames, Mrs. Andrew Law, Mrs. L. M. Cunningham, Mrs. Bertha B. Turck. Befoi’e adjournment a special vote of thanks and appreciation | was given to Mrs. P. M. Albrecht I for her food work as president of i the club for the< past two years, j Tea was served after the busi j ness meeting by Mrs. Albrecht and j Mrs. Harkness Smith. Holland- Brady, Jr., Wounded Letter from Pfc. Holland Brady, Jr., written in Germany on April 10th, states that he had been - wounded in the left hand, but iwas back with his 9th Army outfit on the fighting front. The Purple Heart will be sent to his mother in Tryon.