YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD DRUGGIST FOR ALMOST HALF A CENTURY. MISSILDINE’S PHARMACY. PHONE NO. 4 _Continued fi'om Page One James R. Trowbridge, R. C. Ers kine, H. S. Thatcher and Mrs. Margaret C. Thomas . . . The Hon. R. H. Brand, head of the British treasury delegation in Washing ton, has been appointed chairman of the British Supply Council there, succeeding Sir Ben Smith, it has been disclosed in London. Brand will continue as head of the treasury delegation. Mr. Brand, brother-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Flynn, was a recent visitor to Tryon at the Flynn’s home where his daughters, Mrs. John Polk and Mrs. Lyttleton Fox were also guests. HOSPITAL NEWS Mrs. Flora Brannon and twin boys have returned home from St. Luke’s hospital. Patients admitted: Mrs. Alfred Spurdle, who was in an auto acci dent Monday; Mrs. J. M. Larkin, mother of Mrs. W. M. Nottingham. A son was born to Mrs. Beatrice Pettit of Tryon Route One. Mr. Pettie is in the armed forces. Patricia Hayden, colored, year old daughter of Emma Hayden, is in the hospital for an operation. Cpl. Loftis G. Newman has ar rived from overseas duty, after serving 16 months with the Third .Army in the European theatre. He has a 30-day furlough and is with his mother, Mrs. J. C. New man, of Saluda. Sgt. John Pack Arrived Mon day from England for a 30 days’ furlough .with his mother, Mrs. A. B. Pack, at Mill Spring. He had been overseas 21 months. Lt. Max W. Renner and Capt. John I. Delehanty, who have just returned to Asheville for re assignment after two and one-half years overseas duty, were visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Her schel McSwain on Tryon Route One this week. FOR SIALE: Baby bassinette, Tilt-tc Call Mrs. Dennett, \)hc or write P. O. Box\ (J9G N. C.—Adv. 2G, 27, cjfrriaee, ithinette. e 237-M, :, Tryon, (Paid Notices) Disturbed By ’Possum “I was aroused this morning from my bed about 5 a. m., by a ’possum that has been eating my chickens about two weeks. » I was able to catch him this morning. If you should hear something in your chickens at night see what it is at once, because it may be a ’possum. Miss Dora B. Wright.” * * * * Mrs. Lillie -E. Thompson has been called by the bed side of her brother who is very sick«^i Asheville, N. C. ’dodl LOOK WHO’S COMING! The Junior Gospel Quintet of Forest City, N. C., will be at Garrison Chapel church on June 2*fth, at 9 o’clock. Everyone comk/out to see and hear th^fn! Sponsored by Ward 7. Wm. Greene, Ward Lead er.—Adv. 26, 27. TRY ON THEATRE SHOWINGS: Sunday, 3:30, 9:00 p. m. Daily, 3:30, 7, 9 p. m. Sat urday, 1 p. m., continuous. No Matinee Tuesday or Thursday. MONDAY and TUESDAY Dorothy McQuire, Robert YouviFr\ THE ENCHANTIiW cottage This pictures tops for entertain ment of tm young and old. Plus: News and Phantasie Cartoon. WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY Lana Turner, Lor able Day and Sue,am. Peters in KEEP YOUR POWDER DRY Three lovely girls in Khaki to en tertain you. Plus: Pete Smith Specialty and Technicolor Parade.