HOUSER ON FSA The appointment of James L. Houser as a member of the Polk County Farm Security Adminis tration Committee has been an nounced by Geo. W. Smith, FSA supervisor. Mr. Houser lives on the Green River planation in Polk County. He succeeds Jesse M. Horne as FSA committeeman, whose term expired on July 1, 1945. The other members of the committee who will continue on their unexpired terms are Wm. J. Holbert, Charlie B. Stockton and Grover C. Thompson. Mr. Thomp son was appointed in the spring and meets with the other three <^Mmitteemen when applications •®KG. I. Loans are to be consid The FSA committee functions in an advisory capacity on all ap plicants and certifies all loans. The committee in many cases al so assists in advising borrowers and in teaching better farming methods. Mr. Smith states that Congress has appropriated $50,000,000 to be used for Tenant Purchase loans under the Bankhead-Jones Tenant Purchase Act. $25,000,000 of this amount was earmarked by Con gress to be used for making of loans to returning veterans with which to purchase farms. Loans are made to. qualified ap licants who cannot obtain adequate financing elsewhere with which to purchase farms, stock and tools, fertilizer, seed, feed and family jAuig expenses necessary to carry the farm and home plan that is developed. Loans are also made to low income farmers for the pur pose of purchasing tractors and other equipment that can be used jointly on two or more farms. Mr. Smith states that applications for loans may be made at any time at the local FSA office in Columbus or to any of the committeemen. (Paid Colored Notice) Little Miss Barbara Jean Car son, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Chas. Carson, entertained with a birthday party Tuesday afternoon the following guests: Joan and Bobbie McDowell, Mary, Ann and Hartford (Jr.) Douglas, Herman Hannon, Delores Cannady, Walter Black, Alice Corry, Elizabeth Er vin, Lilly Bell, Wright, and Flet cher (Jr.) Bobo, Louise Green, Mrs. A. B. Partee, chaperone. GIRLS Wk/TED: A few permanent now available. Apply in p^son. RECTOR’S LAUNDRY_Adv. Extra copies of The Bulletin on sale at the office for 5c per copy. SPECIAL SALE Dorothy Gray Orange Flower Skin Lotion Texture Lotjon FOR A LIMITEe/tDOE ONLY $2.00 Size For $1.00 (Plus Tax) MISSILDINE’S Pharmacy Telephone No. 4 Hello.. Coke l” m Coca-Cola Bottling Company Forest City, N. C.