UNITED WAR FUND OF POLK COUNTY Tryon, N. C., Aug. 27, 1945. On Sept. 1st, Polk County will enter on its third and final United War Fund Campaign, and we are again appealing, to the fine, pa triotic people of our County to support, as they have always done in the past, this great philanth ropic and morale building effort. As we look around over the state, we are beginning to see home town boys in uniform on the streets again. Some of them have just returned from Europe wear ing campaign ribbons, some with empty sleeves as silent testimonials J^.\the valor they have shown. They 'll behind them some of their comrades, the boys who gave their last full measure of devotion to the country they loved. Some of our boys have already left, and others will be leaving soon to fin ish the job, now almost completed, in the Pacific area. They, of course, would rather stay at home, and be with their families, but they have a call, and we must finish the job. All this presents to us a real chal lenge as we plan our third United War Fund Campaign. We cannot match our devotion with theirs, but we can throw as much unsel fish sacrifice into the task before us as our financial ability will permit. Let us not fail our boys. Remember let us accept this chal lenge, not as a task, but as a privilege. Please mail, or hand your con gft&ution to Julian B. Hester, Jr., IfctJasurer of the United War Fund of Polk County at the Tryon Bank & Trust Co., or it can be left at the Bulletin office, or with any of the Committee chairmen. Don’t put it off. Do it now. Won’t you help to put Polk County ever the top again—the first coun ty in all the State, as in the past two campaigns, to fulfill its quota? Carroll P. Rogers, Chm., United War Fund of Polk County. Rev. and Mrs. Mortimer Glover and children, Homer and Irving, of Wilmington, enroute home from Kanuga, are guests of Rev. and Mrs. William S. Turner at Bel grove in Gillette Woods. Blue Ridge Weavers Buy your presents EARLY for ser vice men and women OVERSEA* October 15th is the Limit BUY VICTORY BONDS // Yours for service BLUE RIDGE WEAVERS TRYON WINEI Made From Tryon Grapes • SWEET and DRY Produced By: l S. Miner Tryon, North Carolina