YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD DRUGGIST FOR ALMOST HALF A CENTURY. MISSILDINE’S PHARMACY. PHONE No. 4. County - Wide Meeting of Home Demonstration Clubs The first county-wide meeting of Polk County Federation of Home Demonstration clubs since before the war will meet Wednes day, Nov. 21, at 2:30 o’clock. The meeting will be held at the Court House in Columbus. Mrs. D. M. Abrams, Council President, will preside at the meeting. Miss Pauline Smith, District Agent and an authority on Home Beautification and Flower Ar rangement, of State College, Ral eigh, will be guest speaker. Flower arrangement exhibits will be brought (one each) from the 16 organized Home Demon stration Clubs in the County and Tryon. Some of the exhibits will be used as illustrations and will be constructively criticized by Miss Smith in her discussion. Immediately after the meeting tea will be served by the County Federation. All Home Demonstration Club members in the County are urged to attend this meeting. Also a special invitation is extended to the women of Tryon as guests of the Federation. The program will be as follows: Song, America. Collect of the Club Women of America. Roll call by clubs. Treasure report. Business, old and new. Introduction of speaker, Miss Gladys Hamrick. Guest speaker, Miss Pauline Smith, District Home Agent, State College, Raleigh, N. C. Summary of year’s work, Mrs. D. M, Abrams, Council President. Announcements, Miss Gladys Hamrick. Adjournment. Tea, County Federation. ROOM WANTED ftr white chauffeur beginning Nov. 17th for the winter season. Notify E. Perry Manville, Phone 71 or 159-J.-I—Ad vertisement 14, 15, 16c. v ' - ' 't WANTED: Dogwood Timber. Will pay cash. Write or see Black well Brothers at Flat Rock, N. C., or Cowpens, S. C.—Adv. 1 to 30th. [RLS WANTED: A few perlnan^nt jobs now available. Apply^in person. RECTOR’S LAUNDRY.—Adv. Dr. Emil Smith Osteopathic Physician Hours: 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. By Appointment Oak Hall Hotel, Tryon. Phon Res. Phone, Tryon 61-W 5 J. B. Hester, Insurance Snico 1905; W. M. Hester. Real Estate Since 1923 HESTER REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AGENCY Phone No. 37, Tryon —/or— Good Things to Eat visit J A/ C K S O N ’ S Phone 14 N. L. Wilson. Trop