Published Daily Except Est. 1-31-28_ Saturday and Sunday_Vol, 18—No. 203 ENTERED /S SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 The Tryon Daily Bulletin The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper. Seth M. Vining, Editor. 5c Per CopyTRYON, N. C„ THURSDAY, DEC. 6TH, 1945 Weather Wednesday: High 42, low 32, rain 1.34 . . . Today at 3:30 at Lanier Library Tryonites will hear Dr. Mary Banning speak about “Atomic Energy”. Friday at 1 p. m. the robot plane will fly over Harmon Field by re mote control from a small radio station. Saturday at 2:30 between 20 and 30 Tryon people including the High School football team will be in Charlotte to see the Shrine High School All-Star fime between a picked team of ars from North Carolina playing lected stars from South Carolina. Benefit of Shriners Hospital at Greenville. Tryon team will be guests of citizens of the community who have presented each player with tickets to show appreciation of the players’ work the past sea son. Tickets were on sale by Shriner James B. Hester .... Tryon High School basketball players had their third practice Wednes day night at Tryon gym. The fourth practice will be held at 2:45 this afternoon on account of the gym being used for the Boy Scout meeting tonight. Two new balls have been bought. About $46 , has been received in donations _Continued on Back Page_ ROBOT PLANE COMING TO TRYON FRIDAY Those terrible robot planes that struck England and almost won the war for the Germans and terri fied the Allies, are being made in America now. One of them will be brought to Tryon Friday at 1 p. m„ at Harmon Field. The plane will be in charge of an army lieutenant and about half a dozen enlisted men who will come to Tryon this afternoon to make preparations for the event. The McElhenny Public Ad dress system of Spartanburg will be installed to amplify the pro gram so the large crowd will know what is being done. The plane will rise and fly over the field without anybody in it. Operators on the ground will direct the plane by radio and make it work in the air as if a pilot was up there directing it. Coach C. M. Eargle is having the football goal posts taken down and the field cleared for the oc casion. Chairman Chas. J. Lynch of the Harmon Field Commission and Chairman Julian B. Hester of the War Finance Committee are in charge of the arrangements. The event is being staged in the interest of the campaign for Vic tory “E” War Bonds. TWO HOUSES BOUGHT Mr. and Mrs» Horace Porter have bought the J. G. Smith house near the Home Ice Plant off Hen dersonville road. And Mr. and Mrs. Lanon Moss have bought the Hor ace Porter house. Sales through G. Harrison Bridgeman.