Published Daily Except Est. 1-31-28_Saturday and Sunday_^ol. 18.—No. 212 ENTERED /S SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 The Tryon Daily Bulletin The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper. Seth M. Vining, Editor. TRYON, N. C., THURSDAY, DEC. 20, 1945 6c Per Copy Weather Wednesday: High 42, low 27, rain .28 . . . The Armed Forces -to discharge 837,000 man and women within the next two months. Army points dropped to 50 for enlisted men. Navy points cut to 36 . . . Churchill, Lady Astor among noted to visit Ameri ca in January. Jdrs. Franklin Roosevelt goes to England as mem ber of the United Nations First General Assembly . . . President Truman asks Congress to unite Jtiy and navy under one head. Christmas program scheduled at Tryon Firsts Baptist church for Friday night has been called off.Miss Ruth But ler ot iryon will De among me Mission Hosoital student nurses to sing over WWNC radio station Saturday night at 6:30 . . . Berg Foster just called up and said to add to his ad that his Home Weav ers i« located one-half mi’e from MSssildine’s in the old Appalachian Handweavers building on road to • he Country Club, but his ad was already printed, so he gets this break. All advertisements for The Bulletin should be in the day be fore publication. Part of each day’s Bulletin is printed the day before. Anyone desiring to have a Christ (lovtiviipd 07i Back Pape W. R. HOOTS DESCRIBES GROWTH OF A CHAMPION Robert N. Golding of Columbus exhibited an 18-months-old Aber deen Angus bull at the Southeas tern Live Stock Show held in At lanta, Ga., last November. This bull won the blue ribbon of his class and he won the reserved grand championship of the show. This means that the Golding bull was the second Dest in tne snow. | The name of Mr. Golding’s farm is “The Falling Waters Farm”. It is located in the hills of Polk County, North Carolina. The bull was named for the farm, “General of Falling Waters.” This accom plishment in the hilly Piedmont will, no doubt, be of interest to all cattle breeders in this section, and I the methods used to gain this accomplishment may prove bene ficial to others. About four years ago, Mr. Gold ing boucht 1,400 acres of land in Polk County and decided to raise cattle. At this time, he knew little about farming and raising cattle. He did, however, ftave'some definite ideas about what he wanted to do and what it would take to do it. These ideas were useful in helpine to work out a plan of developmen' on the Falling Waters Farm. This plan of development for raisi- ' rattle on the farm consists of tV> following general, but basic idQap • First, the owner must know wh J he wants to do; second, the own' and herdsman must know the b'1 cattle business; third, estab1! good pastures and make arran ments to nroduce good hay f” other feed before securing aniir After some study and obser Continued on Page Tv)o