MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT “THE PRESCRIPTION STORE” OWEN’S PHARMACY. Phone 202. WALGREEN AGENCY. BOOZE ADVICE The Sunday school lesson of Wm. T. Ellis recently hath this very intei’esting sketch of the “Drink ing Husband.” It has a whimsical flavor, but packs a lot of common sense: “If you are a married man who absolutely must drink, start a saloon in your own home. “Be the only customer, and you won’t have to buy a license. Give your wife $2 to buy a gallon of moonshine whiskey. Remember, there are 60 glasses in a gallon. “Buy your drinks from your wife. When the first gallon is gone, she will have eight dollars to de posit in the bank and two to start business again. “If you should live ten years, continue to buy booze from her and then die with snakes in your shoes. “She will have enough money to bury you respectably, bring up her children, buy a house and lot, marry a decent man and forget all about you!”—The State Magazine. MANVILLE AT ROTARY E. Perry Manville of Manville & Karsten. will be in charge of the Tryon Rotary Club program Friday at 1 p. m., at Oak Hall Hotel. Miss Sue Horton of Missildine’s i