ARLEDGE INFANT DIES Funeral services were held this morning at 11 o’clock at the Co lumbus Baptist cemetery for Rich ard Aden Arledge, infant son of Mir. and Mrs. William Dean Ar ledge of Columbus. The baby was born Tuesday morning at Spartanburg General Hospital, and lived about seven hours. The Rev. Homer E. Brady, pas tor of the church officiated at the burial service. Misses Fannie and Rosa Henson, Sue Shehan and Sarah Cannon have returned from a visit at Hotel Charlotte with friends and rela tives. IN MEMORIAM In memory of our beloved broth er, Ruby Mills, who passed away October 21, 1939: The depths of sorrow we cannot tell, Of the loss of the one we love sc well. And while he sleeps a peaceful sleep His memory we shall always keep. To live in the hearts of those we love is not to die; gone but not forgotten. —Lela Mills. Paid Reader Advertisement. 1 Pound SOYA MACARONI AND SPAGHETTI ] JACKSON Phone 14—N. L. Wilson, Prop. Mrs, L. B. Smith and daughter. Patsy, and Miss Mildred Holbert of Try on Route 1, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Michaels in Morganton. First annual clearance continue until Saturday, Andrews Furniture TRYON. N. C. Make Reservations Now for the HALLOWE’EN BALL •—at— . Sunny dia l e v Time: 8:30 id 12:3JK Music by PauyHaarton and his orcheptrprDress, and orchestr*/Dress: Costume or iwrmal pre ferred. Only a limited number of admission tickets to be sold. Ad vance tickets now on r. sale at Sunnydale. $1.50 per person (Tax Included) , PERMANENT Special for 10 Days ONLY. $12.50 Permanents iMD.Off* $15.00 Permanents SQ2S0 (Complete) I/ Wil-Mar Beauty Svlon Bertha M. Bowlby Over Owen’s Phone 127