I. K. Watkins, who spent the fall at his Tryon home is return ing Thursday to Pittsburgh. Columbus school Hallowe’en Car nival will be held at Stearns school tonight. H. G. Beard of Tryon and form erly of Beard Bros., Spartanburg, is now with J. 0. Jones of Char lotte. Baptist Brotherhood will meet Friday at 7 p. m. Elbert H. Ar ledge has charge of the program. Wilbur 0. Tonks, former Cleve land. O., banker, killed himself at his Hendersonville home Tuesday. LOST: Light rifamed bifocal glasses. Please yetfrrn to Betty Sturgis Shop oi. Phone 128.—Ad vertisement 30. / PIGS FOR SALE: In order tc fatten the mothers, nine 6 weeks ol pigs at $10 eachj Saturday morninj come—first serve* Mill Spring.—Ad^. I am Offering Durdc Jersey Delivery date 26th. First jS. H. Gibbs 30. Household and personal articles of all kinds, especially clothing, will be sold at the ;jjall i#mmage sale of St. Agnes Guild, at the Parish House, Saturday/November 2, at 2 p. m.—Adv.«8/30. — --is* • ====^i We Invite You to Visit Us for Your BEAUTY NEEDS We carry a complete line of MONIQUE COSMETICS Wil-Mar Beauty Salon Bertha M. Bowlby Over Owen’s Phone 127 BEGINNING NOVEMBER 4TH The Red Cross Office* Will Be OPEN ONLY TUESDAY AND SATURDAY // MORNINGS If From 9:00 to 1:00 1/ MAE IRENE FLENTYEl, Secretary J