Published Daily Except (Est. 1-31-28)Saturday and Sunday(Vol. 20—No. 39) ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICB AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 The Tryon Daily Bulletin The World’s Smallest DAILY Newspaper, Seth M. Vining, Editor 5c Per Copy TRYON, N. Cn WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 1947 Curb Reporter Weather Tuesday: High 77, low .A5, rain .02 . . . Well, the Tryon ^ Jpction pot is beginning to boil, virst time in years that we have had three candidates for mayor. It’s a .healthy sign of renewed in terest in civic affairs. A number of times the ones in office would offer for re-election without any - opposition. There should be no embarrassment at being defeated. Often the one in minority does the most good for his community by bringing to light needed changes, j He sows seeds of progress that will j bear fruit later .... Miss Mary j Frances Lankford was honored j Sunday at the Congregational | Sunday school for 11 years regular j attendance .... Over 70,000 i people have been convicted of dnv- j ing drunk in North Carolina, 500 of them were convicted between Jan. 31 and Feb. 14 . . . The fees at the Country Club new all TV jather tennis court are 75c per and $1 on week-ends and holidays .... If you can’t afford to buy one of the baby beef calves to be auctioned off this afternoon - at Harmon Field, motor out there and take a look at the fine animals. It will be an inspiration to the 4-H Club boys. The show and judging starts at 1:30. The auc tion sale will begin around 2:30. Joe Wilson says we have been giv ing a lot of lip service; now is the time to show some real interest. This is the first sale of its kind ever held in Polk County and if we don’t make a success of it such fine cattle will be taken else where next year .... A number of friends of St. Luke’s hospital _Continued on Back Page_ Three Candidates Have Announced For Mayor Three men have filed with Town Clerk C. O. Smith for the office of Mayor of Tryon in the muni cipal election to be held May 6th. They are as follows: George E. Bell, Col. Tom Poole, and C. D. Stevens. Four men have filed for Town Commissioner as follows: W. H. (Lit) Durham, C. N. Sayre, Alan T. Calhoun and R. 0. Andrews. Three commissioners are to be elected. The closing date for all candidates to file is Monday, April 21, at 5 p. m. The filing fee is $1. In Tryon all candidates run on a Citizens Ticket without regard to party affiliation. DR. PALMER AT KIWANIS Dr. Cary T. DuRant had charge of the Tryon Kiwanis Club pro gram Tuesday and presented Dr. M. C. Palmer, who gave a brief outline of some of the interesting experiences he had in the early days when he first came to Tryon in August 1910. He reviewed the hotels as they were then; the de velopment of the hospital in which he played a large part in organ izing; a street scene of 1910 showed only six brick buildings; roads were poor; communications terrible; people travelled about at night with tin candle lanterns; only about two automobiles here; water system was inadequate but present system one of the finest in the nation; practice of medicine was difficult due to no hospital and poor communications; doctors often had to spend the night at a patient’s house because he couldn’t __Continued on Back Page