Mrs. Tom Hilton and daugh ters, Malinda and' Margaret, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jim Moore, have returned to Greenville, S. C. Harrison Bridgeman, Jr., has returned home from St. Luke’s hospital after an appendix oper ation. Holland Brady, Jr., has as his guest this week, his University of Michigan roommate, Philip Carey of Detroit. Tryon Boy Scout Troop No. 1 and the Sea Scouts will hold a Board of Review Thursday night at 7:30 at Tryon gymnasium. WORK WANTED by young married^ woman. Practical nuk-sing, companion, or secretarial rarork. Mrs. Lester Powell, Tryon.f—Ad vertisement p. SELLING OUT: Antiques Greatly Reduced! Lots of Pine .and Primitives. THE BRICK HOUSE''' Antique Shop, 454 E. Main Street, Spartanburg, S. C.—Adv. tL Are You An Artist or Lover of Nature? FOR SALE One of the most remark able views in Polk Coun ty. 18 acres of wood land, 3 acres gardening. PRICE Manville & Hoots Real Estate and Insurance (Over A&P Store) Office Telephone 6, Residence Phones 159-J or 190-R. ‘Dunbrik” —^the all pur pose brick. JBuilds JBeauti That and •nger The Indian Dunbrik Co. Telephone 113-W INMAN, South Carolina Subscription to The Bulletin ou^a<, jounty, one year $4; in county, SJntthcfajLcinq Somc^ng brand new Life Insurance—the Triple Protection Plan LOW ANNUAL COST R. H. Brady Agent Phone 133—Box 757 Aepreaentlng THE TRAVELERS, Hartford