The Tryon Daily Bulletin The World's Smallest daily Newspaper. Seth M. Vining, Editor 5c Per Copy TRYON, N. C., THURSDAY. JULY 10. 1947 Published. Daily Except (Est. 1-31-28)Saturday and Sunday(Vol. 20—No. 105) ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFIC1 AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 Weather Wednesday: High 81, low 56, rain .31, humidity at 4 p. m. 100 .... Maybe those flying saucers have brought down this cold air. J., T. Green said it was down to 54 on his front porch this morning. No one remembers a colder July for this area. Smoke has been coming out of many chimneys.The Firemen’s softball game with Hendfersonville Lions scheduled for today has been called off ... . William M. Spivey had charge of the Tryon Kiwanis Club program Tuesday and read ri|&me interesting letters by Alex ander W. Botts. Guests at the meeting included Prentice Luckey of the Community Planning Com mittee; John W. Cowan, Town Commissioner; T. Max Watson, Highway Commissioner; Hugh Noel, Highway Engineer, and Joe Mullen, State Utilities Commission er .George Dusenbury will be in charge of the Rotary Club program Friday at 1 p. m. Just what he will present has not been announced. Last week Life Maga zine paid a compliment in an edi torial on George and Jane Dusen bury’s book, “How to Retire in Florida.” The book is increasing in sales all over the nation, aceord --wovtinued on Back Page-j COLUMBUS NEWS Reported by Mrs. J. A. Feagan. The V. F. W. had their regular meeting Tuesday evening at the I court house here. The Home Demonstration Club met Monday evening at the home of Mrs. John Gibson. A cooking demonstration, using the pressure sauce .pan, was given by Miss Hamrick and Miss Cline. The central idea was “Foods for Better Health, Prepared with More Ease and Efficiency.” There was a liber al serving for each member, which helped to emphasize the argument for the foods in question and the method of preparation. Barry Hugh Staggs, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Edward Staggs, cele brated his third birthday Wednes day of last week with a party. Games were enjoyed by the 26 invited guests. He was the recipi ent of many nice gifts. Mrs. Staggs was assisted by Mrs. Wade Staggs of Landrum and Mrs. John Spurlin of Columbus. Ice cream and cookies were served. Maxie Walker, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Walker of Estill, S. C., had a tonsil operation at St. Luke’s hospital Tuesday. Guests in the home of the J. C. Gibsons last week-end were J. R. McGinn and family of High Point and H. B. MicGinn and family of Spartanburg. Miss Madelyn Phillips has re turned from a vacation spent in Muskegon, Mich., with her brother, H. G. Phillips. Mrs. Hart’s mother, Mrs. T. A. Rhodes, is with her for an indefi nite time. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hardin and Miss Wynona Ormand of Forest _Continued ori Ptack Page —...