SALUDA NEWS NOTES - Reported by Miss R. E. Blair The news of the death of Dr. Lesesne Smith, though not entirely unforseen, came as a shock to Sa luda. Dr. Smith has had a promi nent part in Saluda’s summers for many years and he will be greatly missed; not only at his Infant’s and Children’s Sanitar ium, and in his work with the Spartanburg Baby Hospital, but by many mothers who came with their children to Saluda in the summer, confident that in him they had a competent and interested physician in cases of sickness. We understand that, in accord Kwith Dr. Smith’s wishes, the nar, which has been of so l benefit to visiting doctors and townsfolk in the summer will be carried on as usual. % Dr. Smith leaves his widow, three sons and one daugher. Funer al services were held in Spar tanburg, Dr. Smith’s home town, on Tuesday. * * * * A very pleasant meeting of Bap tist women was held at the home of Mrs. T. C. McGee on Monday afternoon. The speaker for the oc casion was Rev. A. N. Littlejohn of the Presbyterian Church, who gave an interesting account of mis sionary work done in China by Baptists and other denominations. Rev. E. M. Huggins, pastor of the Baptist Church, also gave a short address at the close of the meeting. ^At the Episcopal Church Sun A, July 13th, the services will ^F-celebration of the Holy Com munion at 8 a. m.; morning prayer and sermon, 11 a. m. Rev. H. Cary-Elwes of Glendale, O., offi ciating. Sunday school at 10 a. m. At 4:30 p. m. the Rt. Rev. R. E. Gribbin, bishop of the Diocese of Western North Carolina, will hold confirmation service. Miss Rosalie Grumbles and Mrs. Johnny Gorden were able to return home this week; and Miss Lyda Arledge was taken to the Patton Memorial hospital for treatment. New arrivals at Fairview with Mrs. Baisden this week are Mrs. C. P. Seabrook, Columbia, S. C., and Mrs. Thompson of Chesnee. * At Saluda Inn: Mrs. Maud Barker, Champagne, 111.; Henry Davis and son, Noel, from Savan nah, Ga. Mrs Davis and Miss Betty Miichels, who have been guests are returning to Savannah. A. Burnham Rogers of Philadel phia, Pa., noted woodcarver, who has designed some beautiful work in houses in Philadelphia is guest at the Inn. His family are occu pying the small cottage on the Inn grounds. Dr. and Mrs. Carroll Brown, Jr., and two children, Mjargaret and Carroll Brown, III, of Water boro, S. C., are visiting Dr. Car roll’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Percy of Waterboro, S. C., who have been at their summer home, “The Col leton” in Saluda for ten days, have returned home. They had as guests Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sanders of Columbia, S. C. Dr. and Mrs. T. L. Timerman and Tom Timmerman of Laurens, S. C., visited Mrs. T. C. McGee last week. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Brown of Columbia Heights, .Saluda, had as recent guests Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Patterson and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Stokes of Waterboro, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Pace, Miss O. Bethea, with Dr. and Mrs. T. C. McGee, attended a picnic on July 4th, given in Ashville by Mr. and Mrs. Schroates. Rev. I. Harding Hughe was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Pace Sunday. Guests at Mountain Manor in clude Mr. and Mrs. Claude Edge, Melbourne, Fla.; Mr. and M]rs. James Hastin, Tampa, Fla.; Mr. and Mrs. W.'Taylor, Augusta, Ga. UKJ 11 THE DAY BEFORE PAPER PRINTED Whenever possible all notices of any kind to go in the Bulletin should be sent to the newspaper office the day before in order to be sure that they will be published. ' Early the next morning is often too late, because half of the paper has already been printed and not enough pages left for copy already in the office.