Puolished Daily Except (Est. 1-31-28)Saturday and Sunday(Vol. 20—No. 148) ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 The Tryon Daily Bulletin The World38 Smallest daily Newspaper. Seth M. Vinmg, Editor 5c Per Copy, TRYON, N. C., TUESSDAY, SEPT. 9TH. 1947 Weather Monday: High 89, low 68, humidity 66 ... . There is war in Greece, Korea, India, and some other places .... The U. S. Navy tested a. V-2 rocket fired from ship’s deck Saturday. It travelled a mile a second and ex ploded in midair six miles away, j No official comment. Enough | rockets like that would make Russia sit up and take notice . . . Western North Carolina Fair at Hendersonville under direction of j SB. .Kelly began Monday for a (c. $5,000 in prizes will be ,rded. Carnival, races, exhibits j and all the usual attractions of a j good fair are there. . . . President Truman is pleased with his good neighbor visit in Brazil. .He is j enroute home on the battleship Missouri .... North Carolina | to spend $200,000 to advertise opportunities of the state. The late Irving Cobb once said that all this state needed was a good press agent. North Carolina will receive over 2 million dollars from the federal government for the school lunch program . . . . The new trash receptacles on Trade street are making it easier to keep the street cleaner. The street depart ment has been busy the past few _Continued on Back Page_ W. E. CHITWOOD Williams Evans Chitwood, 90, retired farmer of Polk County, died at his home, Landrum Route 1, Monday afternoon after a long ill .ness. Mr. Chitwood was born and rear ed in Rutherford County, but he had made his home in Polk Coun ty for a number of years. He was the son of the late Marshall and Rossie Stroud Chitwood, and was a member of the Hickory Grove Bao' tist Church. Mr. Chitwood’s first marriage was to Miss Mary Hughes. Sur viving from that union are: one son, Marshall Chitwood; and one daughter, Mrs. Amanda Barnett. Mr. Chitwood’s second mairiage was to Miss Corrie Etta Horn, who survives. Also surviving from this union are: & sons, Cleatus and i Robert Chitwood; and 4 daughters, Mrs. Alice Gilbert, Mrs. Agatha Collins, Misses Ella and Ruth Chitwood, all of Landrum Route 1. Also surviving are 40 grandchil dren, 37 great-grandchildren, and 9 great-great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 3 at the Hickory Grove Baptist Church, with the Rev. A. T. Howard and the Rev. M. C. Cheatwood officiating. Bur ial will be in the church cemetery. The following grandsons will serve as pallbearers: Taft Ed wards, Hubron Chitwood, Clifford Collins, Floyd, Marshall and Leon ard Barnett. The following are asked to meet at the church at 2:50 to serve as honorary pallbearers: N. M. Bran non, Ellis Kimbrell, Watt Green way, John Willard, Jarvis and J. C. Scott, Rueben Barnett and W. B. McSwain.