Published Daily Except (Est. 1-31-28)Saturday and Sunday(Vol. 20—No. 158) ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICR AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 The Tryon Daily Bulletin The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper, Seth M. Vining, Editor 5c Per Copy _TRYON, N. C., TUjESDAY, SEPT. 23RD, 1947 Weather Monday; High 81, low 65, rain .18, humidity 75 .... . South Florida hit by another storm In the Fort Myers area. A first hand report from the first storm that hit New Orleans comes from Tryon friends, the Rev. and Mrs. Wm. S. Turner: “Today the sun is shining and the birds are sing ing but not so yesterday when we had the hurricane—then we saw enroute to our church—trees torn up by the roots, cars crushed by trees, signs blown down, window broken, and a few frighten '^Jpeople who came to the church to avoid being by themselves in their own homes. We received both of our papers—morning and eve ning at our door. Who can say the press doesn’t do Its jofr?~ About 5 we left the church for home •'’nd found to our great jov every < thing intact, not even one leak. We hofto to get to Tryon next sum mer. We had a wonderful trip out to- Yellowstone Park but still think North Carolina has more to offer than any place we went on our trip.” Father Turner is rector of Trinity Episcopal Church. Rev. and Mrs. C. L. McGavern are also at New Orleans 1 . . . The proceeds from th# duplicate bridge tourna _Continued on Back Page_ NEW DIRECTORS Three new directors were elect ed at the annual meeting of the Tryon Chamber of Commerce Mon day to succeed Fred Owen, C. 0. Smith and R. E. Brantley, whose terms expired. The new directors and the six hold-dyer directors will meet this week and elect officers. BULLETIN READERS Out-of-town subscriptions to the Bulletin were entered the past week for the following: MJiss Mariel Derby, Box 34, Wo man’s College, Furman University, Greenville, S. C.; Charles C. Rea kirt, Route 1, Landrum; Sites Bonnie Blanton, Route 2, Mill Spring; Hoyt Pack, Columbus; John R. Kimberly, Jr., Asheville School; L. C. Flynn, Landrum; Hoyt O. Prince, Landrum; Ri L. Dick, 3816 Becton, N. C. State College, Raleigh; Miss.Betsy Wal cott, Holtan-Arms School, 2126 S. Street, Washington 8, D. C.; ^ James C. Kimberly, Apt. 800-C, The Shoreham, Washington 8, D. C.; Mrs. J. H. Baird, Washington 9, D.. C.; Mrs.' Roy 'Eldridge, 229 > Brian Road, Spartanburg; Dave Thompson, Mrs. Vance Thompson, Hamp Owens, all of Star Route, Saluda; C. P. Brown, Castle Park, Mich; C. O. Cooper, Conway, S. C. John T. Smith, High Point, N. C.; Mrs. M. B- Caldwell, Erskine College, Due West, S. C,; Miss Lillie Henson, Box 273, WCUNC, Greehsboro, -N. C; Miss Priscilla Moore, Miclver Hall, UNC, Chapel Hill, N. C.; Ellis Kuykendall, 110 Oak Street, Boone, N. C.; Mrs. George J. Droll, 6801, N. Broad way, Wichita, Kansas; Mrs. Frank .Continued on Back Page