Be sure leather gloves are lab elled “washable” before trying to wash them at home, clothing specialists caution. Many gloves of suede, doeskin, capeskin and pigskin are finished so that they can be washed and are labelled accordingly on the inside. Use mild soapsuds and lukewarm water when washing leather gloves. An easy way to do it is to put the gloves on and then wash them like the hands, lathering the entire surface and using a soft brush on fingertips and other specially soiled places. Pull gloves off the hands care fully because leather is weak wljen wet. Rinse by running lukewarm water into each glove to push it gently into shape. Never wring or scrub gloves because this stretches and may tear the wet leather. To keep pigskin gloves soft, rinse in water to which a couple of drops of glycerine have been added. Dry slowly in room temperatures. Too much heat is harmful to leather. Mend snags or worn places in towels before they go into the wash to avoid further tearing. If the selvage shows wear, check fraying by taking several rows of stitches along the edge to strength-, en it. / FOR SALE: One 4-room house with water and lights; large bain. One store building and lot in The heart of Lynn, near bridge/ on highway No. 108. W. S. McCall, Lynn, N. C.—Adv. 20, 21, 2B,i23c. Western Ax/o Tryon, RECORp/HOP FOR: Poptlla/^Hillbilly and. Classicgl^ecords. Th4 Most Advertised Coats and Suits / • In the See Them At 1/ The B altenger- Jack son Co. omework pause Coca-Cola Bottling Company Forest City, N. C. P.-T.A .BRIDGE &G Parish House—Wednesday 7:45 O’clock >• For Reservations Call: Mrs. Kenneth Sanders—301-R Mrs. Joe Mrs. William Spivey—360 Prize for Each Table • $1.( Refreshments rson—40 Person