MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT “THE PRESCRIPTION STORE” OWEN”S PHARMACY. Phone 202. WALGREEN AGENCY John Vanderveer Deul, author scientist and explorer is spending a week at the Hotel Tryon. Mr. Deul is resting from a 4-months personal appearance tour of the Nation, coming here from Mexico City. Mr. Deul is well-known for his research work at the Amazon Headwarters for the American Museum, as well as for some of his literary works which have been filmed. Questioned as to why he came h^j^he said: “I came North with t^^Birds when I discovered they hlrno anti-freeze in their radia tor*!” Expressely he came to stop over and visit some old friends, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Griffiths of Columbus. He expressed surprise that it was this mild—45 degrees here, only 800 miles south of 30 degrees below zero! His regret— not enough time to climb all the mountains!—Contributed. The Board of Stewards of the Tryon Methodist Church will meet Tuesday evening at 7:30 at the parsonage. The World Day of Prayer will be observed by the Tryon churches on Feb. 13th, at 3 p. m. The service will be held in the Methodist Church. The best care cannot be given tg^w sick person when the work is <|^pantly interrupted by family o^^isitors. Therefore, it is very detrimental to have any visitors in the hospital before 10 a. m., or af ter 9 p. m. Most sick people have certain treatments that must be carried out before being settled for the night, and also most sick people like, to get settled fairly early and don’t like to be disturb ed, especially by “other people’s” visitors. The cooperation of the people in this community in this matter would mean a great deal toward the well-being of the pa tients in the hospital.—Contribut ed.) Subscription to The Bulletin, out of county, one year $4: in county, $3 Est. 1933" E. J. Slemons Phone 3245 Owner SPARTAN/PLATI3 COMPANY, 146 c/rolina^ve. SPARTANBURG, S. C. Platers^Silversmiths Silverware Repaired, and Replated Brass Refinished ALL WORK GUARANTEED FOR SALE: 1940 PI Motor. Suitable for imme stalling or as power unit o DONALD MOTOR CO., in behalf of private indi Adv. 6, 9, 10c. FORD BATTERY SPECIAL 13-PLATE BATTERY *10, Each / For Limited Timtf Only/f Battery warranty /nd >dajust ment certificate Jwijli each batteryt/' CAR—12 MONTHS TRUCK—6 MONTHS PIERCE-WILSON MOTOR GO. TRYON, N. C.